Virtual Community Trends 2010

Design progressions for the computer world are constantly developing and at some marked pace. But that’s nothing new since everything on the online community can be affixed with the same label.
As you would expect from a maturing Industry, World wide web Design Trends in 2010 are coming of age!
What was the flavour of the month and seemed destined to be with us for always thankfully is not assaulting our senses as much as it used to. I am talking about Flash technology!
About all you could say about Flash was that it was an oddity! Pretty World wide web Site Artful conception mustn’t have looked at most of their sites for too long before realising that Flash was not as cool as they thought. Anyhow pretty web sites don’t sell too much of anything apart from Headaches to the visitors and Nightmares to the owners.

Arguably the most sensational trend to explode onto the web a few years back was the blogging platform WordPress and on account of this system has single handedly opened up the whole cosy cartel of World wide web Design Mystique and put most so called Online community Designers in their place we felt it necessary to have a Mini WordPress Fest here before moving onto that boring old online community artful conception topic!
Wordpress has long since left the trend of the Month club and has become, rightly so the platform of choice for not only Bloggers but New Online entrepreneurs who want to have a greater degree of control and flexibility over their web presence. The ability for many www owners to now sack their over priced and overpaid Online community Artful conceptioners and take control of their affairs themselves is not before time. Someone with a modicum of Web savvy and a little Html can now quite adequately run his/her information superhighwaysite on their own once it is set up.
So to the topic at hand.

As if it’s not difficult enough to navigate a www site with some, if not all of the latest trends but Web Artful conception now has to have so many trends it’s stomach-turning. There will be a few who may possibly disagree. But since we’re discussing Trends I guess we have no option to wade through them!

We’ve dealt a death blow to flash previously which thankfully is now head of the Reversing Trends.

Remember the old adage that Big is Beautiful? Well Small will Return (believe me!)
Headers are now as big as a house along with Logos, obviously a response to the invasion of Boomers onto the virtual community whose eyesight is not what it once was!

Typography is King and is new and brave. Go forth you Brazen Designers and go where no Artful conceptioner has gone before. Basically this means it’s open season for Frilly Fonts!

Oh here’s a great one. Slab Typeface not to be confused with Slob an entirely different beast! Slab Typefaces deserve attention with their in your face All CAPS! Well we have to at least shock the visitor into staying at our patch otherwise he’ll go into ClickFest mode and we can’t have that!

Interactive design.oh no. not again! its Flash Gordon here to save the Earth. Well I guess it’s here to stay for the Retro Www Designer.
Modal Boxes is an interesting concept and they’re cropping up like Bees on a Honey Pot. Nice clean boxes just what the Doctor ordered and straight to the point!

Oh its Bigfoot here again with Ginormous Images.remember the Boomers? These artful conceptions are rather like the Sandwich Board outside the Coffee Shop Saying Come in It’s Free Today. somewhat magnetic and poles apart from last years flavour of the Month (whatever that was!)

Now we’ve been about as scathing as an article will allow up to this point in the proceedings so lets be fair, unlike a Designers invoice, and be ecstatic about One Page Layouts. No we are not talking about the scrolling 92 page single sales letter approach here; you know the one where you fall asleep before you get to page 37!

We are indeed on a crusade for the Single Page “Here’s all my Stuff- Go Visit” Trend which is admirably suited to let visitors know who you are and where you can be found. It’s an opportunity for you to finally get that Professional Mug Shot you’ve been promising yourself for like 10 years, up and at ’em! Hey even Hairdressers can benefit!

This trend I like, along with the Slab Typeface approach, so you can see we are not totally against online community designers as long as they listen you and don’t treat you like a subhuman!

Overheard recently at a gathering of Geeks “Hey Dude I was just back from Artful conceptionDex and guess what? the minimalist, retro perspective, modal box with its intuitive Oversized Footer completely stole the show” ” I mean who’d have thought that a Retro, Typographical Intro Box with an interactive oversized magazine slabtypefaced logo would be So last year” I’ve already booked for next year and you?

keep your head up if your an aspiring designer – it gets easier .

Ben Rama is a Graphic Designer, CG artist & Cinematographer from London.
He is the founder & inspired director
at Digital Art Empire with many years of experience in Graphic Design, Film & TV within London.

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