Fancy Dress Ideas for the New Year Party
Everybody knows that New Year’s Eve is the one time of year when looking good is a prerequisite. Even if you’ve been invited to a New Year Party where fancy dress is required. Whether you’re going for a cool, funky or even a silly outfit – you can still look and feel great with the right look.
But with fancy dress, there are lots of decisions you need to make. There have been millions of fancy dress parties before and there will be another million this New Year’s Eve. So here are a few fancy dress ideas that will guarantee you’re not sitting alone when 2011 arrives:
1. Capes and lycra
It’s a well known fact that superhero costumes look cool. Just look at Wonder Woman for ladies and Batman for guys – and you don’t even have to have the perfect physique. They are made in such a way that they make you look like a superhero.
Next choice is – which superhero? There are plenty of superheroes to choose from. The classics have been done to death so avoid the Superman and Spiderman costumes that are just a safe bet. Make an impact at your New Year’s Eve party with something a little different. Try Iron Man, Wolverine or Woody from Toy Story. It’s your chance to shine so pick a winner and wear it with style.
2. Suited and booted
This one is just for the men. Almost every man out there owns their own suit. It might not fit as well as it should or the trousers may be faded, but a suit is a suit. Whether the last time you wore it was for your sister’s wedding in 1986 or for the latest unsuccessful interview, with just a few tweaks you’ve got a fancy dress costume.
Plenty of options here. Add a black tie, pair of shades and a small fedora hat and you’re one of the Blues Brothers. Put the suit with a slim black tie, Ray-Ban sunglasses and a toy gun and you’re Mr. Blonde from Reservoir Dogs. Will Smith from Men in Black or Agent Smith from the Matrix? They might not win you the best costume award but it’s cheap and you won’t look foolish on the way home!
3. Do it yourself
The creative fancy dress partygoers will want to put their own stamp on the costume. All you need to do is pick an outfit that requires little effort for maximum effect. Pick a character that has some of the clothing items you own already and cut back on costs – whether it’s a stripey jumper (Freddy Krueger) or a checked scarf (Rupert the Bear).
Once you’ve got the clothes, the next stage is to accessorize, apply make up or with minimal effort, wear a mask. Little touches will turn your outfit into something a bit special, so just changing your hair or applying facial make up will enable people to see who you’re meant to be, which is always a good start for homemade outfits.
4. The old favorites
There are some classic fancy dress costumes that will always go down well at any party. If you’re not confident enough to try something completely new or off the wall, hedge your bets with the old favorites. The choices are wide ranging and flexible enough to accommodate any age, gender or body shape. So, grab your schoolgirl, nurse, pirate or clown costume and make your way to the party.
Jake Worrell is a clothing trend consultant who is currently researching what’s trendy in cheap furniture.