Top 5 Ways to Keep Up With Your Postcard Campaign
Contrary to popular belief, marketing a small business doesn’t cost a fortune. Today’s marketing options offer affordable and easy to create marketing tools. If you are a start-up or small business, you can benefit a lot from these marketing tools. But which marketing tools are we talking about here. There are actually several such as business cards, brochures, and flyers. But there is one you can do easily—the postcards.
Postcards are actually the workhorse of marketing. For decades, entrepreneurs have been using post cards to promote their business for the simple reason that they work. However, just like any other marketing material, you need to optimize the use of your post card to make it truly effective. You need to constantly improve it to best fit the promotional need of your business. It’s alright to experiment with your cards, but just make sure that the design or strategy you are will benefit your business.
The following are some of the best ways to keep up with your effective postcard marketing campaign.
• Have a solid promise of value. People are motivated to respond to a good offer when they know what they will get from it. So, before worrying on the design of your post card, it’s best to focus first on the benefits you want to offer to your prospects. What’s the mail goal of your postcards? What offer or incentive are you offering?
• Create a good mailing list. This means you need to pinpoint the right people to send your post cards who are likely to get interested in your offerings. You need to have a profile of your target customers and create a mailing list that best matches your ideal target market.
• Use a captivating headline. Now this is something you need to focus on. Keep in mind that your post card only has a few seconds to catch your prospect’s attention. Those few seconds is critical as it is the deciding point whether your prospect will keep your card to throw it I the trash. A strong, captivating headline will ensure your prospects will be encouraged to read all throughout your card. So be sure your headline is interesting, easy to read, and presents the benefits of your offerings in one, strong phrase or sentence.
• Use the right image. Because of the space constraint, it is important that you choose the image to include in your post card carefully. As much as possible, you only have to include one dominant image in your postcard templates. Make sure that the image supports your headline and the rest of your card’s design. Don’t simply choose an image because you think it looks cute. Overall, the image should be captivating, appropriate to your message, and relevant to your target customers.
• Limit the scope of the message. Your postcard is not your brochure. You cannot put all your products in it simply because of the limited space. So, simply focus on one product, service, or idea and develop it in such a way that it will stir the curiosity of your target audience. Follow the idea: one idea per postcard. Just say the primary benefit you offer to your customers, include one testimonial or two, some photo, and a strong call to action. Save your sales pitch for your brochures.
More tips and information’s on how to make cheap but winning postcards can be found at online printing postcards.