Aqua Vitae: An Unexpected Judgment of the Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne

After testing the Aqua Vitae Pheromone Cologne but one time, I had to inquire who the mad genius was that could create such capable pheromones, and why I had not heard a great deal about him!

I did some fast research and learned that Aqua Vitae is created by a comparatively new and little heard of firm called Liquid Alchemy Labs, endowed by Garry Nelson. This Hawaii based perfumery has to all appearances been dabbling in pheromones for a few years now, with little to NO fanfare!

So, what is the Aqua Vitae Cologne? Aqua Vitae appears to be a positively high quality, well blended Androstenone based pheromone cologne, which includes a proprietary blend of 6 additional pheromone compounds utilized to promote the primary mission of Androstenone, to be an effective sexual attractant!

So what is Aqua Vitae intended to do? Beyond question Aqua Vitae is intended to be a powerful “sexual attractant” which projects a truly strong Alpha Male brand of vibe to those near the wearer, leading others to view the wearer with embellished feelings of authority, influence, deference, higher social status, and yes, sexual attraction.

My prime field trial run with Aqua Vitae was assuredly a complete accident! What do I mean? Well, I didn’t order this stuff myself, and didn’t know much about Liquid Alchemy Labs, but my marvelous friend and neigbhor did! Seemingly, this young man had stumbled onto Liquid Alchemy and ordered a flagon of Aqua Vitae himself! Which he then lent to me to give it go!

It was almost 9:30pm when I just ended my 3 mile jog, and it kicked my butt! I was warm, kinda sweaty, and winded as I stumbled back to my automobile.When I reached my ride I of course decided I needed a smoke after all that exertion! Yes, I have my vices. But then I spotted something of note, a noticeably enticing girl talking on her cell phone and having a smoke, parked about 10 cars down from mine!

I swiftly applied a 3 inch strip of Aqua Vitae to each side of my neck and then grabbed a smoke. I decided that it would be best if I advantageously forgot my lighter, so I walked towards this elegant babe on her cell phone.

At this point, I’m now face to face with what has turned out to be an unequivocally elegant 21-22 year old college student, well above average in the looks department, and I’m kind of questioning how this was going to go over?

She looks over at me and quickly smiles, and says “sure, no problem here you go!” As I languidly stand beside her trying to light up in the wind, I see from the corner of my eye that she is staring at me deeply, as in not even blinking!

So I get done with her lighter and hand it back to her saying, “Thanks, You’re a real lifesaver!” I then smile and turn to walk away.

She kind of shrieked, “WAIT!” Actually startled me! I turned around and said, “yeah?” To which she blurts out, “Is that all? You’re leaving??” Still staring at me like a “deer caught in the headlights,” and unblinking, it was now becoming rather fascinating!

So I popped the question, and asked her how she was doing and introduced myself! After about a 45 minute conversation with this lady, 17 years my junior, we end up relocating to a little Pub not far from the jogging trail and talked over drinks for the next 3 hours.What a night! One of those nights where you keep querying yourself, why is this girl still here? But she was!

Needless to say, I was given her cell phone number, and had three follow-up dates with her over the course of a week, each time wearing Aqua Vitae, each succeeding date was a considerably intensified, educational, and high mileage affair to say the least! No, Aqua Vitae did not fail!

I indeed did ask this young beauty why she felt she wanted to talk with me that night down at the jogging trail, and why she didn’t just let me walk away? She straightforwardly told me because “You’re a Man, I mean like a REAL man! I know it doesn’t make sense!” That was the most coherent answer I could get out of this college student. But as my sidekick had told ME about Aqua Vitae, “Yeah! It’s definitely doing something for me!”

Kyle MacRannell is a die hard product review fanatic, currently researching Pheromones, and their influence upon human behavior. Please visit us for additional information on the Aqua Vitae pheromone!

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