Create more than one income stream

Gone are the days when a company will support its employees for 40 years and help build a pension to support them in retirement. People need to take control of their income if they are to have any chance of developing financial security. Creating multiple income streams is one of the best ways they can do that.

In the traditional work world the idea of a single income source prevails. Only online entrepreneurs have truly embraced the idea of more than one income source.

There are many advantages to developing more than one stream of income. It can be much easier to find or create smaller profit streams than one large one. Further in a difficult economic time, if one income source tanks, other income sources can make up for the loss. Plus once someone has learned how to create income streams, they have the tools and resources to create more if needed.

The challenge is keeping up with more than one source of income. Each requires attention to not only get it up and running, but to keep it going.

Here are the easiest ways to develop more than once income stream:

1) Begin with one income stream at a time. The most crucial time of any start-up endeavor is the launch. It takes time and lots of mental energy to plan and implement a new idea. Focus on one project at a time; get it up and running, and then move on to a new income stream.

2) Build inter-related income streams. It is faster and easier to branch off an existing income stream than to create an entirely new one. If you sell container box gardening tools for one stream, a second stream of income may include books or videos on how to container garden.

3) Use the Internet. While you can create additional income streams offline by getting a second job or building a home business in your neighborhood, the Internet can save you time and money. You can run several income streams from a single sitting at your computer.

4) Use tools to help you run and manage your income streams. The more you can automate your work the easier it is to manage. There is a host of fee and low cost online tools that can help automate some of the tasks required to run an income stream.

Running several income streams does require planning and organization. Sometimes it can be overwhelming. But in an unstable and predicable economy, having a variety of income sources can make the difference between financial survival and financial ruin. Do not get left with nothing by putting all your income eggs in a single employment or home business basket. Start now to create back up sources of income that can support you as money gets tight or worse in a layoff.

If you are looking for extra income the best place to start is the internet which will provide you with ideas and tips on how to earn extra income. There are many successful ways to do this including network marketing, affiliate marketing, and many other ways. Here’s one way:

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