6 Simple Tips on How to Choose the Right Type of Colored Contact Lenses
6 Simple Tips on How to Choose the Right Type of Colored Contact Lenses
Nowadays, you may be aware that a lot of people are wearing color contact lenses and they are basically can be classified in 3 groups. Enhancement tints, visibility tints and opaque color tints. In addition to this classification it can further available in corrective and non corrective lens type.
For color lenses and eye glasses that are worn purely for their cosmetic element are commonly known as Plano (0.00 spherical powers). They are also available for correcting vision problem, like… astigmatism, far- sightedness and near sightedness. The Correction of vision process is usually required to be prescribed by your eye doctors or qualified optometrists.
Color lenses with Opaque tints will provide a dramatic and noticeable change in your eye color, whereas if you required and enhancement or accent in your eye looks, the Enhancement tints may be a right choice for you.
For those who is worry about losing their lenses during cleaning. lenses with visibility tints are available to help you find it as this lens has some faint color on it. This color is not to enhance your eye but help you to easily find your lens.
In additional to this type of lenses, you can also find lenses with pattern or design on it and it is always great for special occasion like Halloween or theatrical performance. This pattern or design will compliment your character that you are trying to portrait.
We have discussed about the type of color lenses that are available but how do you know which type is suitable for you?
Well…below may be some simple tips for your consideration:
1) If you are looking for some attention and wanted to show off your looks. You may want to choose brightly colored contact lenses.
2) If you want to show off your beautiful eye makeup or stunning bright eyes, we will recommend you try the opaque color tints contact lenses
3) People with Brown eye may want to try Violet, blue, or even green color tone lenses as this type of color will make your eye outstanding and bright.
4) Choose a color lenses that will stand out from your cosmetic makeup collection.
5) If you just want a subtle change and not too much attention, we will recommend you try color enhancement tints. These type of lenses only enhances your color of your eye but not totally change the looks like opaque tints does!
6) BE Adventurous and you will have a lot of fun with your different color lenses!
Hope you have Fun with your color lenses
Professional Brand Contact Lensess and GEO Circle Lenses resource – http://contactlensxchange.com
Professional Brand Contact Lensess , Cosmetic colored lenses and GEO Circle Lenses resource – http://contactlensxchange.com