Becoming Better With Women
Does becoming successful with women really have to be that long and hard? Well, I will tell you what happened in my case.
Well, ever since I can remember myself as a kid, I can remember that I was very scared of women. I wasn’t scared in the sense that they were going to hurt me. I was extremely shy. Most of my life was market by the inability to interact with the opposite sex. Because of this, I didn’t have almost any experience with women up until a few years ago. What happened, you ask? Well, I finally decided that enough was enough. It was the best point in my life. It took some time to make that decision, since I didn’t know that transformation with women was even possible.
Well, for me, change really was a long and hard process. I really didn’t expect a minimum of two to three years of work to finally come to some satisfactory level with women. I read a lot of materials before I actually started approaching women. And when I started, I started really slow, because I was extremely frightened.
Here is what you need to do to learn some mistakes. If you aren’t acquainted with this world of becoming better with women, you need to read some stuff about it. However, I strongly encourage you to not become obsessed with it. The much more important thing that will actually cause change is getting out of your house and socializing with women, whether it be approaching women you don’t know or something similar. Even though you are probably scared to even start something like that, I promise you that it will get easier with time. You need to go through the critical points and then it will flow.
You don’t need to do it right immediately. Just start!
From here, next you want to take a look at the 10 pickup lines, and then go ahead and fill out the secret test, then read the personal instructions on what to improve.