Some Technical Information on Shotcrete Application
Shotcrete in Canada is being widely used for various structural construction projects and is rapidly gaining popularity for ease of application and higher compressive strength. Many Ready Mix Concrete Supply companies in Winnipeg increasingly recommend the shotcrete method. This article is a brief introduction to shotcrete application and shotcrete equipment for the benefit of professionals involved in construction Winnipeg as well as homeowners.
Shotcrete is a method of applying concrete or mortar through pressure hoses pneumatically projected at high velocity onto a surface. It involves the process of building a structure with concrete mixture and exceeds the compressive strength of other mixtures used for placed walls. According to the American Shotcrete Association, a shotcrete mixture yields a compressive strength of about 4000 psi compared to a maximum compressive strength of 3000 psi provided by poured wall mixtures. Shotcrete also offers other benefits, such as reduced shrinkage and lower permeability.
Canada concrete experts recommend a few points to follow to achieve better results in shotcrete construction. They are:
• Proper placement is very important for avoiding defects in shotcrete application.
• Results also depend upon the skill and application of the nozzleman who applies the shotcrete. His goal should be to achieve proper compaction and strong encasement of the reinforcement. So ensure that the nozzleman is ACI certified.
• Proper surface preparation for receiving concrete is critical as well. To substrate need to be cleaned and damaged concrete removed by hammers, scabblers and scarifiers. Also sandblasting and waterblasting can be used to remove the stubborn remains of concrete.
Hope this article will help you as a construction contractor, homeowner or building owner to take the right decision to build long-lasting and durable concrete structures with shotcrete.