Play QWOP Game
For anybody that has played the Flash game QWOP where you’re supposed to Air Jordan shoes control a runner’s leg and thigh muscles to make him run, you know that it is the hardest game ever made. If you haven’t played it before.
QWOP is a game where you play an athlete on a running track, and you control the legs with each of the titular buttons controller a different calf or upper leg. The goal is to get as far as possible despite these Nike Air Jordan awkward controls. In the new online game QWOP, you play what is clearly a man inspired by Trevor’s example and who also has had all his bones replaced with Jello.
QWOP Game, this game is the latest radgoll game based flash games. QWOP game developed by Too Many Ninjas and Top Spinner.
It’s a rag-doll based flash game that can be played with only four keys. In the game, you are an Olympic runner named Qwop who is participating in a 100 meter sprint race in the Olympic Games.
The game is played with four buttons: Q, W, O, and P which is why the game is named QWOP. Qwop must run as far as he can and as fast as he can without falling.
The amazing thing about QWOP Game is that it’s played on the computer rather than Air jordan 11 on the game console systems that are gaining more and more popularity. There are several sites which have the game already available for play and kids and adults alike will love to play this game. The commands in the game are relatively simple.
There is a question mark box to click in if you need help and you can press the “R” key to restart if you are not doing so great in the game.