Twitter Guide
There are many methods to market your business and website online. I have spent a lot of time learning and using twitter and how to use it best for both networking and marketing. Twitter is the hottest and newest social networking sites on the net. It is growing very quickly and consistently and big companies are now jumping onto social media in order to market their business and brand. The problem with most big companies is that they are using social media and twitter the wrong way and they are marketing improperly. They are using it as a mass marketing and mass broadcasting outlet in order to get their marketing and branding messages out there when that is the last thing you want to use it to do. If you are currently using twitter as a broadcasting and/or marketing tool then you may want to rethink how you are approaching your marketing strategy on twitter.
Twitter was not mean’t to be a marketing medium for large corporations when created. In fact, it just started out as a small communication tool within a small tech company to make their communication more efficient so they could work better together. It has definitely evolved into something much bigger than that though. Twitter is a communication tool and a broadcasting to your follower base tool. This is something to keep in mind when marketing and interacting on twitter. You have to be aware that everything is public and that you need to represent what you want your company or brand to represent.
One of the bigger misunderstandings people using twitter for marketing and networking have is the quality vs quantity argument. I have been networking and marketing on twitter for a long time and from my experience the quality of your following always trumps a high quantity lower quality following. Quality is more valuable for your business than quantity. If you had a lot of people following you on twitter but they are all following because you followed them and they don’t care what you say. It’s about having a high quality and high quantity following with both working in your favor. When you have a high quality network and you build up on that you can have a high quantity network of high quality people.
If you are looking for a twitter guide that will teach you how to grow your twitter following and network then be sure to visit twitter influence because there I will give you 3 free twitter influence videos that will teach you how to gain and grow your influence quickly. Have a great day and we will see you there!
David King
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