Reducing Organisational Carbon Footprint
As human pressure on resources escalates, it becomes clear sustainability policies are essential so as to secure the quality of life. I foresee a time when only the least carbon-intensive and resource-efficient corporations will flourish, while those dependent on cheap and plentiful access to ecological services will lose out. It is therefore in the interest of humanity that our corporation wishes to continue to be competitive and provide for the well-being of its population to act first and act boldly so as to reduce the Carbon Footprint.
A carbon Footprint is equivalent to the yardstick of the impact of human activities on the environment in terms of carbon dioxide emissions. It can also be defined as the total set of greenhouse emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual corporation or an organization. It is measured by undertaking a green house emissions assessment. Once the size the size of carbon footprint is known, a set of strategies is put in place to reduce it.
Carbon foot printing measures the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the things we do. The mitigation of carbon emissions can be through the development of alternatives devised methods which are put in place so as to help in carbon reduction. For instance, solar wind energy, or reforestation and so on, present just some ways of managing and controlling the amount of carbon footprint we emit in the atmosphere.
Walbro Company limited
This company was set up four years ago. It is situated in UK country side of Hampshire. This area is suitable for agriculture and since our corporation is agricultural based we have found Hampshire to an ideal situation for our corporation.Walbro company, deals with production of consumer goods and that is crisps to be precise. The company is owned by a number of shareholders mostly from around the town of Hampshire although other major investors are drawn from the United States of America. Our main involvement has been the production of crisps.
Our corporation has posed positive growth in spite of the recent financial crisis. The growth has not been spontaneous but has continued to be gradual over the years. This because of the acceptability of our products to the consumers and also the support we enjoy from the local population. With its mixture of hills, streams and bustling markets with other family attractions the town attracts a lot of people and its only one hour drive from London. This has contributed positively towards the progress of our corporation. The company enjoys a constant supply of labour both skilled and unskilled labour from the massive population of the people living in the environs of the corporation. Drawing labour from the community around us has also helped to boost positive cooperation with our members at the same time boosting the security of our corporation.