Don’t Settle for Credit Quick Fixes When You Can Get True Repair
Don’t Settle for Credit Quick Fixes When You Can Get True Repair
When you are looking to fix your credit report, it can be tempting to give into companies that promise to raise your credit score overnight. These companies make all sorts of promises before charging outrageous fees for their services. What they forget to mention, of course, is that they have no real power when it comes to repairing your credit score. Instead, they use credit quick fixes, such as repeatedly disputing an item to keep it from impacting your score for a temporary length of time.
If you are looking to truly repair your credit, you can do it yourself. Simply accessing quality credit repair software will enable you to access your credit information from the three major credit bureaus. This will also offer you access to an easy dispute process that lets you challenge any incorrect or inaccurate items on your credit report. Whether a debt is beyond the statute of limitations or you were the victim of identity theft, you can use this software to repair and rebuild your credit without having to rely on quick fixes.
Few companies bother taking the time to tell you that the credit report dispute process is quite simple. In truth, most of the work belongs to the creditor. All that you have to do is mail in a dispute letter explaining why the debt is not valid or does not belong to you. The creditor has sixty days to respond, and in order to retain the debt, they must be able to prove that the debt was assumed by you and is still valid. If they cannot do this, it will be taken off of your record. The process is easy, painless, and only costs a postage stamp or mailing fee.
Relying on quick credit fixes can be a dangerous habit to get into. Even if this does allow you to get approved for the financing you need, when your lenders see the items reappear, they can either revoke financing or change the terms of your loan. You have to make certain that your credit is truly in good standing before filling out finance applications. When filing a genuine dispute using actual information is so easy, why not take the time to do it? When a dispute is properly filed, creditors have to remove inaccurate information, which is more than any quick fix company will ever provide.
About the Author:-
CreditUmbrella ( ) is #1 most powerful credit repair software, credit repair programs designed to help you fix Your credit and improve credit scores. With CreditUmbrella’s software you get the same tools used by professionals, plus helpful videos and insider tips.