woman men adore
The Woman Men Adore by Bob Grant is a relationship guide that presents the tools and techniques women can use to improve the relationship they are already in or attract pretty much any man they want.
In my opinion this books stands out from the many and varied literary attempts out there giving advice on how to win and keep your man. I enjoyed this book because it really shows you how you can have a healthy and loving relationship without having to shape yourself into someone else just to keep the guy interested in you.
The real secret revealed is that men want to be lured, possessed and seduced by a woman. If you can make a man feel good about himself he will gladly surrender to you.
One of our main problems woman men adore as women, I think, is that we look for relationship advice in all the wrong places. We ask our girlfriends, who have just as many problems as us, or we flip through magazine articles written by women hoping for that one piece of advice that will magically transform our relationship. Problem is, most of this advice steers us in the wrong direction.
Actually, it was authored by Bob Grant which of course has a background for this kind of stuff. He is also called as the “Relationship Doctor”. He made this book to be an eye opener to women that what they learn in magazines or self-help book is not true. For him it is all just a state of mind, which this book talks about the reality of what man would really love about a woman.
As far as everyone knows, it is a guide book about having your man drool over you. If you think about it, you would assume that it is very practical. Anyone may even think about that, too. But one thing that Bob Grant claims is it not like any other magazines or a self-help book that claims to be what they seem to be.