Data Sharing Between The Federal Government And The Local Government
Data sharing between the federal government and the local government authorities has become a growing phenomenon in the United States data sharing involves the sharing of confidential public profiling details in government database and public information storage facilities. (Hanan Sher & Erik Schechter, 2001, p. 43)The governments and local authorities need to have el the necessary details; and records the people that that they are governing for purposes of meeting their governing goals in service delivery. Data sharing nonetheless has to be done within the confines of moral choice. Uzi Dayan (2002, p.23) states that moral choice is deemed to be crucial for honorable administrators. It normally consists of three equally important criterions such as being 1) disciplined people, 2) active participants in their organizations and 3) independent judges. Given the benefits incurred to both individuals and organizations, administrators in every single organization should employ—besides technical skills—“moral choice” in order to effectively lead the organization or the society, as well as resolve any problem in scenarios related to the governance of people.
Both the local governments and the federal governments particularly in public administration are bound to lead people in morally acceptable ways by charting and adhering to ethical manners of getting core goals and objectives accomplished. Such organisations have to place their key policy and ideology on the succor of values and morals governing normal human conduct and behavior. Values in this conceptual precinct are perceived as those ideas regarded as worthy, estimable and important. By extension values can be viewed as those concepts that govern human behaviors like freedom, equality, education etc. Ethics are a thus held as objective since these set the basis for a pattern of universality in manner in which human conduct can be classified as either ethical or unethical, moral or immoral. The aspect of data sharing between the federal government and the local authorities has to be carried out within in within the framework of sound public administration ethics.
Data sharing comes in handy when for instance government organs are dealing with matters of law enforcement. Examples of data sharing are illuminated in the facility of Psychological profiling. In government authorities and the federal government exchange public information on for instance Legal registered USA citizens. There is a lot of information citizenship information exchange between the federal government and the local authorities and the reasons are to ensure security and minimize criminal activity that can be facilitated by loopholes in citizenship databases. Psychological Profiling deals with the examination or investigation of offenders’ behavior, motives and background as a way of establishing links between the named variables and the offenders’ actions.