Obsessions and Compulsions in Detail
OCD Symptoms: Obsessions and Compulsions in Detail
Given the enormous increase in the number of anxiety attacks, there is an increased urge among many to understand the symptoms of anxiety disorders. OCD, Obsessive compulsive Disorder, being an anxiety disorder that ranks 4th in its prominence across the nation has gained inexplicable importance today. This article aims at educating you on OCD symptoms in detail thereby helping you to diagnose and proactively approach the assistance of a doctor as and when necessary.
OCD Symptoms
The symptoms pertaining to the affliction of OCD can be compulsions/repetitive actions or obsessions or both.
Obsessions Related to OCD
Obsessions are irrational, compulsive and unhealthy motives or restrictions that the OCD patients pose on them for the fear of an impending harm that is highly unlikely. Some of the very common obsessive feelings that are often considered to be OCD symptoms include:
Tendency to recheck the door lock again and again for fear of leaving it unlocked
General sense of tension
Violently hurting oneself or others for fear of a possible harm that could be incurred by the person being hurt.
Fear of God, Devil and Death
Fear of contamination.
Fear of germs
Fear of bodily waste and fluid secretions.
Fear of loosing something invaluable
Sexual obsessions that include imaginary sexual images with friends, co workers, acquaintances, relatives, parents, children and celebrities that include homosexual and heterosexual actions attached with excessive significance to such thoughts.
Uncontrollable urge for orderliness
Fear of being disgraced in a group
Fear of doing thing improperly and the like.
These are a few of the sure-shot OCD symptoms that are known as on date.
Compulsions Related to OCD
Compulsions related to OCD are the OCD symptoms where the patients tend to perform routine tasks repetitively with the aim of suppressing the obsessions and anxiety that pop in, though, in reality they prove to be illogical and unacceptable. Such repetitive and ritualistic actions might constitute:
Taking a bath again and again.
Washing hands repetitively that go to extremes of causing skin inflammations
Tendency to hoard articles.
Uttering prayers umpteen times to suppress the fear of God/devil/death
Counting numbers and patterns repetitively.
Trying to arrange things again and again
Inability to accept the work that others do for the fear of doing it improperly.
Both obsessions and compulsions are associated with patients suffering from the common form of OCD. However, Pure Obsessive OCD however has only obsessive feelings associated with the patient.
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