Weight Loss Tips
Do you finally want to get rid of those flabby arms and thickening waistline? It’s never too late to start traveling the road towards physical fitness. But before we go further, let’s just clear something up. There is no such thing as spot reduction. The only way to get rid of body fat is through reducing them evenly in the body because they are deposited the same way. So forget that “lose the belly fat” goal and instead go for the “lose overall body fat” target through these weight loss tips.
So you might be asking what those pushups, sit ups and other target exercises for flabby arms and other parts are for if you can’t really perform spot reduction of fat. The major reason why exercises are done is for the development of exercises, giving your body that sculpted look. What it boils down to is that if you want a well toned arm you have to reduce overall body fat and perform exercises for flabby arms.
So, coming back to overall body fat reduction, the formula is fairly simple: exercise more, eat less. However, no matter how simple it may sound, doing what is required can be very hard, especially the “eating less part”. But there’s actually a method here! You will have to replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones. Following are some weight loss tips with regards to what food you should eat more of.
Fill up on Fiber
Whole grains contain fewer calories compared to other food types. Plus, it can help you eat less since they weight pretty heavily on the stomach. Fresh fruits and vegetables also contain fibers that could help you keep thin. When shopping, look for 100 percent whole wheat labels on your bread and incorporate more beans in your daily diet.
More Milk
Study shows that a person who eats healthy plus consumes non-fat milk loses more weight than a person who just eats healthy. The necessary calcium a person need’s each day is around 1,000 so you would still need to drink milk even if you don’t want to lose weight.
Drink More Green Tea
Green tea has catechins which speed up both burning of fat and metabolism. This antioxidant is also capable of reducing the amount of bad cholesterol plus it helps flush out toxins acquired in the body.
So now that you know what food type you should eat more of, let’s talk about those muscle building exercises. The usual problematic areas for both male and female are the arms, stomach and thighs. For the arms, you should be doing push-ups, sit ups for the stomach and lunges for the thighs. But you already know that, what you don’t know is that you don’t have to do these exercises like crazy. A study reveals that more fat is burned if a person alternates between a low and high intensity exercise. So, what you should do is start of slow, give it 10 counts before speeding up the moves. Keep the fast rhythm for about 20 to 25 counts before slowing down again to a normal pace. The reason for this is that you are giving your body time to adjust to the new situation, allowing it to burn more fat than sticking to a strictly high or low intensity exercise.
Bob Brendon
Inner Thigh Exercises
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