Homeowners Must Take A Stand With Forensic Audits and Assignment Audits

Last week the several major newspapers released the news that Bank of America was finding “errors” in the paperwork.  The Bank claimed that they found maybe 10 to 25 errors in the first 100 files reviewed; of course many are concerned over the bank’s inability to say if it was ten or eleven, or twenty-five.  This week, despite their admittance of “flawed foreclosures” (that’s just a pretty word for predatory foreclosures or fraudulent foreclosures) they announced that their Foreclosure Frenzy will resume at full speed in 23 states (the judicial states) and Bank of America also claimed foreclosure numbers should be around 100,000.  GMAC also announced they will resume their foreclosures as well.  JP Morgan Chase has remained silent on the subject thus far.

Once again, homeowners are at great risk, only this time it is hoped that homeowners will be wise enough to stand up to the banks and demand that the bank’s presumably predatory foreclosure is in fact valid and correct.  Although Bank of America is claiming that the problem was truly only a simple matter of “correcting signatures” which could cause the unaware homeowner to think there is nothing left that he can do to fight the foreclosure process, this is (as usual) false information from the Banks.  A quick review reminds us that today thousands of homeowners already know this, which is why they come to Tila Solutions to get Forensic Loan Audits and Assignment Audits.

By this time, most homeowners no longer believe that what the banks say or do is truthful or valid information.  They have seen the banks issue fraudulent loans, they have heard the false promises of loan mods that never happen, they have seen the nationwide scandal of illegal foreclosures, and they have heard from friends, family, and neighbors the grievous recounting of seized homes for the want of “missed paperwork”, the forms the bank claims never arrived even though the homeowner sent them repeatedly. Tila Solutions Consultants receive these cries for help daily.  Tila immediately gets these homeowners empowered through forensics and professional services provided by their company, which in turn has saved their homes.

But, what can the homeowner, with all his newly found wisdom do in the light of Foreclosure Fraud and blatant criminality?  Unless he does something, sadly, he will lose his home.  The government put on a big display of “how awful it all is”, but the foreclosures are resuming.  The “Banksters” as they are now being called by many, just claim it is their legal right to foreclose. But, these predatory lenders still only have the right to foreclose if the foreclosure is legal and despite the fact that they “fixed” their documents, most of the foreclosures are still not valid or legal.  And the reason lies in the famous “where’s the note” strategy, and of course the dubious and shysterish acts the predatory lenders are all guilty of when they created MERS and then assigned 64 million loans to it.  If your loan has MERS involved, then you need to immediately protect yourself by getting a complete Assignment Audit done.  An Assignment Audit will investigate the legality of the loan you were issued, then the tracking and assignment of the Title, as well as the Servicing and Pooling Agreements, and finally thus determine who owns the note, or more commonly the total and complete absence of the note.  This audit normally shows your predatory lender is still breaking the law when he is trying to foreclose on you.  Only the true and valid holder of the true and valid note has the legal right to foreclose on you.

The lender is not going to help you – unless there’s money to be made in it for him -enough money to make it worth his while.  Right now, that money is found in foreclosures.  Once you get a complete Forensic Loan Audit and Assignment Audit, then you will be able to show the lender he’s got no money coming to him by foreclosing on you, so he may as well work with you.

Homeowners don’t have to stand alone, against these Banksters, and in fact they shouldn’t.  Any homeowner can read the reports of abusive and predatory practices by the hundreds on the internet. They know now they need a professional on their side.  Tila Solutions has been the icon of strength, wisdom and hope for thousand of homeowners.  Visit their website http://www.tila-now.com to learn more about this company and what they can do for you.  They are busy saving homes.  They know the lender lies and deception.  They know how to use a forensic loan audit and Assignment Audits to actually stop foreclosures and get you a real loan modification.  If you really don’t want to lose your home, just call them.  They can be reached at (702) 508-0335.

TAGS: foreclose lender, homeowners, Foreclosure, Loan Mod, Loan Modification, Predatory Loans, Predatory Lenders, predatory foreclosure, fraudulent foreclosure, Foreclosure Fraud, Bank of America, GMAC, Chase stalled foreclosures, forensics, forensic loan audit, Banksters, Assignment audit, Tila solutions, Tila, Tila Solutions Consultants, MERS,

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