Best Position To Get Pregnant.
There is a debate as to whether the missionary position is the best way to get pregnant. But there is no research that supports this claim.
If the sperm gets near the cervix you can get pregnant so any position that achieves this is a good position. Sperms do not need the assistance of gravity to swim up the reproductive tract of the woman.
Having said this, it is likely that the sperms will be helped if the woman is lying on her back when the sperms enter her body.
Your favorite position when having intercourse could be your best position to get pregnant because it is believed that the more you enjoy intercourse the more fertile you may be.
Rather than relying on the best position to get pregnant, there are things you can do to increase your chances of getting pregnant.
For example, to get pregnant quickly you need to know when you are fertile. Fertile days happens after the end of your period. This is during ovulation. You can only know when you are ovulating when you study your body. To study your body you need to keep accurate details about your menstrual cycle. The normal menstrual cycle is about 28 days. Menstrual cycles are different and your own may be different from the average 28 days. Because women are all different, menstrual cycles are also different.
The normal period when the blood flows is no more than a week in a month. You only bleed for a week or so during menstruation. Ovulation usually happens within 10 days of the end of the blood flows. Ovulation will give you signs to show that you are ovulating. There will be, for instance an increase in cervical mucus discharge. The tenderness of the breasts itself and particularly around the nipples during this period could also be a sign of ovulation. You need to look out for the signs so that you don’t miss the signs. The days that you are fertile are only a few days after your period. Rather, look for the the most fertile period to get pregnant, than the best position to get pregnant.
Knowing your ovulation period and the time you are most fertile will enable you to have intercourse at the right time to get pregnant. If you use a Fertility calendar you will be able to keep all the details you need about your cycles. The chances of getting pregnant is increased this way, instead of relying on some best position to get pregnant. You can find more information about the best position to get pregnant at =”_blank”> POSITION TO GET PREGNANT