Words of Advice on Dating

Now and again we may even come out from behind the wall but as soon as we see anything that may threaten our ego we go right back behind it. So we get caught in our own trap. This wall gets thicker and thicker as we get older. When you are younger you have less fear but as you get older you do less and have something to say about everything. When you start to realize this and see what is going on without judging it you begin to question what is the big deal with the Ego. When you write your profile you don’t just want to get as many responses as you can. You want to get the right responses from the type of people who you are attracted to. Filter the responses that you get by being specific about what you’re looking for.

If you are looking down and not looking people in the eye you are not making yourself very attractive. I think you are getting the idea. So number two make yourself approachable. Open up your shoulders, smile and even poke fun at yourself. Don’t try to be something you are not. A woman does not mind if at present you do not have lots of money. Women look at things far more in the long term than we do. They want to see if you are somewhat intelligent and if you have your life together. God created jealousy, he patterned the whole experience on the model of a very mad woman. Because if you’ve ever been around a woman who’s jealously glands have been kicked into high gear, you truly understand the old saying about ‘ hell having no fury quite like a woman scorned!’ When it comes to wanting what we can’t get, or even WORSE, someone else getting what was once OURS, a woman who loses out in a relationship to another woman can be downright dangerous! Ever watch a Jerry Springer weekend marathon? You can hours and hours of great TV on nothing more than a bunch of women who have lost their boyfriends or husbands to other femme fatales at work, play, or even sometimes in their very own FAMILIES! How does this help you? Well, if you are having problems in your relationship and she is starting to pull back or away..

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