How To Pick Up Women
Becoming unconsciously competent at seducing women is an important part of becoming a man. If you do not develop this skill, you are likely to watch some other guy walk up to someone who could have been your girlfriend, and steal her from you.
Seducing a woman is all about how you make her FEEL by way of your actions, behavior and personality.
Are you a quiet, shy guy who always says nice things to women? Do you pretend not be interested in having sex with her? If so, then you will NOT make her experience feelings of attraction that will lead to seduction.
Flirting with a woman is the easiest and quickest way to seduce a woman so that she can start feeling strong emotions of attractions that can lead into sex.
A mistake most guys make is to show niceness to women. When it comes to showing sexual interest, they are intimidated likely in fear of being rejected. Unfortunately, this sends signals to women that you don’t like them sexually. They then assume that you either:
1. Are a wuss, or;
2. Don’t like her in that way.
Before, it was mentioned that flirting always works to show sexual interest and ultimately seduce a woman. What’s an example of flirting?
Imagine sitting across from a woman in a restaurant, talking to each other. Instead of having a nice, innocent facial expression the whole time, give her a smirk or squint your eyes as she’s talking to you. Do this maybe twice in a 5-minute conversation, for just a few seconds. Don’t be mechanical though.
Women NATURALLY understand flirting and body language. She will know EXACTLY what you mean. She will likely respond back with a shy smile or a bite of the lip.
Okay, so now that you know that flirting is a fundamental technique used in seducing women, read some more quick tips on how to seduce a woman:
1. Act like an Alpha male;
2. Have a sense of humor;
3. Make fun of her.
The Hug Technique speeds things up a lot more. Use it after she tells you a sad story or when you are both parting ways at the end of the date or catch up.
You can say, “Alright, bye now”, and pretend to walk away. But then you can turn and say “come here and give me a hug”, then give her a gentle hug for a few 3-5 seconds.
At the end of the “innocent” hug, pull back a little, smile and look her casually in the eyes to notice her reaction. If she smiles back and gives you eye contact, she wants you to kiss her. If she avoids eye contact and pulls away, don’t try to kiss her at this time.