Electronic Discovery for Enterprises
Enterprises reliance upon electronic communications continues to grow with increased amounts of information being shared via e-mail. Estimates show that 80% of this information is stored as unstructured data. The data must now be stored for longer periods of time and newer regulatory compliance rules dictate how the information should be stored and managed.
This high volume of unstructured data poses several challenges for enterprises. It is very difficult to find specific information when needed and the need for secure access to information is critical.
Electronic discovery or e-discovery is a process by which electronic data is searched, stored and located primarily for the purposes of civil litigation. Before the advent of e-mail and other digital communication media, all data was kept in paper format. In the event of litigation, costs were exorbitant to manually search and index all of the relevant paper files. This process was also extremely time consuming which resulted in longer law proceedings.
With e-discovery solutions, data can be easily and quickly searched and scanned for pertinent information relating to the case in question. With digital data, the loss of a file does not necessarily mean lost information since electronic data is stored in multiple locations on multiple hard drives.
E-discovery is only as efficient and effective as the underlying archive from which it retrieves data. An archiving system helps to store and archive historical e-mails. E-mail archiving software manages the information lifecycle management of e-mails and is an important tool to maintain the integrity of e-mail information and minimize administrative headaches for both users and the IT department.
Sonasoft offers a comprehensive portfolio of products for data recovery, restore and backup, e-mail archiving and data protection to enable and enhance e-discovery. Sonasoft’s products ensure that data is stored securely and can be accessed in a manner that adheres to regulatory compliance. Sonasoft provides simplified storage and quick, easy access to critical data all at cost effective price points.