A Sucker for Raspberries

Your own raspberry supply also looks lovely in the garden.

Traditionally, raspberries were a mid-summer crop, new technology however, cultivators and transportation means raspberries can be obtained all year. The raspberry is grown for the fresh fruit market, commercial processing also has a part to play,they can be processed and individually quick frozen into puree, juice or dried, then used in many grocery lines.

Raspberries need ample sun and water for optimal development. While moisture is essential, wet and heavy soils or excess irrigation can bring on root rot which is one of the most serious problems facing the red raspberry. As a cultivated plant in moist temperate regions, it is easy to grow and has a tendency to spread unless pruned. Escaped raspberries frequently appear as garden weeds, spread by seeds found in bird droppings.

Commercially grown raspberries have two types that are most often available. The summer crop, grown on second year canes and the double or ‘ever’ bearing plant. Fruit will come on first year canes usually as we head into the fall, also the summer crop from second year canes. Traditionally raspberries can be started off in colder area’s.

It is usual for raspberries to be planted as dormant canes in winter. The planting of young ‘plug’ plants from tissue culture is now quite common. There exists now a very special system of production with the name ‘long cane’, this involves the growing of canes for one year in a much colder climate, for example Scotland in the UK or Washington State in the US, this meets the chill factor necessary for proper buds to break out. Then the canes are dug up along with their roots and replanted, yes you guessed it in a much warmer climate, where they will quickly produce a very early crop. If you are going to plant, raised beds are suggested if you have any fear concerning root rot, space them about three feet apart, make sure the soil is well drained.

Honey Bees and other pollinators find the flowers of the raspberry to be a lovely source of nectar.

Raspberries propagate using basal shoots or suckers, these suckers extend under the ground from shoots, which can then develop more plants, these suckers can produce new canes from quite a distance from the main plant. All of this adds up to spreading raspberries if left to their own devices. Raspberries are known to be highly vigorous and invasive plants.

The fruit is harvested when it comes off the main stem easily and has turned a deep color (red, black, purple, or golden yellow, depending on the species and cultivation). This is when the fruits are ripest and sweetest. Excess fruit can be made into raspberry jam or frozen.

The leaves of the raspberry cane are known in herbal remedies as a means to regulating menses. The leaves can be used fresh or dried for medicinal purposes.

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