Hernia patient’s pain reduced
SURGIMESH is one of the brands of meshes used for treating hernia. ASPIDE MEDICAL is the company that manufactures these meshes. It is a French company that was started in the year 1994. In order to design this mesh the company collaborated with surgeons who have performed hernia operations.
When a person’s organ starts protruding outside the area where it should be, he or she is said to be suffering from hernia. Hernia can’t be called a disease; it is more like a medical condition. Of all the different types of hernia, inguinal hernia is by far the most common one. In order to cure this type of hernia surgery is need in most cases.
Before the invention of meshes, the surgeon performing the surgery used to pull the surrounding tissues together and stitch them. This was done to hold the protruding organ in place. However the patient who underwent surgery had to suffer chronic pain afterwards. Also the patient needed a long time to recover. After the surgery there were many constrains placed on the patient.
After meshes were invented the amount pain suffered by the patient reduced. So did the recovery time. The mesh are placed using a procedure called tension free repair. During this procedure the surgeon places a mesh that will hold the protruding organ in place. This procedure can be classified into two based on where the mesh is placed. If the mesh is placed above the weakened tissues then it is called anterior repair and if it is placed below the weakened tissues then it is called posterior repair.
SURGIMESH implanted patients felt the least amount of pain after the surgery. They also recovered the fasted. The number of restriction placed on them was also few if any. The number of cases of complications after surgery was few among SURGIMESH implanted patients.
Samira Patrick is an expert in the field of Medical Devices and has written various articles on it. She has done an extensive research on Surgimesh and its services.