5 Great Techniques to Make Your Bedroom Look Big

If you’ve ever sacrificed a piece of bedroom furniture to make your bedroom look bigger, you’re not the only one. But there are other ways to make a bedroom look bigger, without having to sell or throw out any furniture.
If you want to make your bedroom look bigger or actually bigger, there are several techniques you can use. So let’s get started:
1. Bright colors – painting your bedroom in bright colors is one of the oldest and most used techniques. It’s as basic as it gets (how many times have you seen dark bedrooms?) and creates a very big effect. Interior designers suggest you replace any dark colors with a similar lighter color to keep the style and give it a sense of more freedom in the room. Dark colors are trapping and weigh down on you when there is too much of them.
2. Fold Down Beds – these beds are intended for saving a beds-worth of space! When you’re done sleeping, just fold it down and get lots of extra space making your bedroom physically bigger.
3. Wall Shelf – these are usually tall, wide, not too deep and can hold most of your things. Some even come with a cutout for a T.V. to save even more space. Although this item is quite large, it helps cut down on other bedroom furniture.
4. Size Down – sometimes furniture can simply be too large. Try to get smaller bedroom sets and furniture when purchasing new pieces. In a lot of cases, old pieces are large (trim and slim is in style) so getting new furniture will commonly result in smaller furniture and help increase the amount of space available in the bedroom.
5. Horizontal Wallpaper – weird as it may sound, horizontal wallpaper gives an effect of lengthiness thus making the bedroom seem bigger. You’ve probably seen it in doctor’s offices. Give it a try, you’ll be pretty amazed!
Those five techniques will give you instant “space”, whether it’s physical or just a mental effect. Applying more than one technique will give you strong results and you’ll feel like you cut down a wall to the next room so go ahead and try them out, you won’t be disappointed!

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