What’s All the Fuss About GDI?

Frankly, even though GDI has been around for quite awhile, I had never heard of them until they were added to an affiliate program I was already a part of last year. But I quickly learned why I should know about them.

GDI is a web hosting company based in San Diego California. With an agreement they worked out with the Samoan Government, they have the exclusive rights to market the “.WS” extension for domain names. You’re no doubt familiar with the “.COM” extension. Well, GDI registers domain names with the “.WS” extension and also provides web hosting and email addresses for those domains.

But what is really interesting is that GDI has set up a fantastic money making opportunity for anyone who purchases a domain name from them. They have designed a multi-level marketing program to sell their domains. Yes, I know. Some people just frown on multi-level marketing ideas and immediately scream “SCAM”! But were Mary Kay cosmetics or Amway scams?

The truth is one can make quite a substantial income from their generous commission and bonus payouts. For everyone one signs up with GDI they will make a dollar commission. Now that doesn’t sound like much. But that’s where the multi-level component comes into play. Because not only do you make a dollar from the person you signed up, but you make a dollar for everyone they sign up as well, and so on for 5 levels. And you will make that every month for as long as they stay signed up with GDI! So it’s a residual income for LIFE!

Do you realize the significance of that statement?

Let’s look at a conservative scenario:

Let’s say you sign up 5 people in your downline. Well, that’s easy, right? You just made $5.

But let’s say those 5 people sign up 5 more people. That’s now $25.

And if those 5 sign up 5 then you just made $125.

And those 5 sign up 5 and you’re now up to $625.

And on the 5th level, those 5 sign up 5 people and you’re now making $3125 dollars every month for LIFE!

And that’s starting with just 5 people.

The other nice thing is the bonuses GDI pays. For every 5 people one signs up in a week, GDI pays $100. There is no limit to the number of $100 bonuses one can make. So there is tremendous opportunity for income with that as well.

So not only can one get a great web hosting account with up to 10 email addresses, and their very own domain name for just $10 a month, they have the opportunity to make a tremendous amount of money.

But let’s address two real concerns that one has to resolve before thinking about joining GDI.

The first is where does one get leads for GDI. I mean, let’s face it…after one exhausts their list of family and friends, where does one turn for more sales?

And secondly, how long will it take to make a decent living at this?

That’s where you have to start thinking outside the box a little bit. Remember what I said at the beginning of this article? I was already working an affiliate program when GDI was added to it. And with the program I was doing, it was necessary for people to purchase their own domain name and get a web site. At the time, people were being to told to go with another web hosting company. So an option was provided so that we could tell people to sign up with GDI. So, when they signed up with the affiliate program I was already doing, then they automatically signed up with GDI and I just added somebody to my downline and made a commission!

If one looks at the big hitters on the leaderboard for GDI right now, you will see that all of them have similar systems. They bundle the system they already had with GDI so that the GDI signups happen as a consequence of working their previous system. It’s a pretty simple but effective concept. So there really is no lead issue as the leads become conversions.

Now, what about issue number two? How long will it take to make the kind of income one really wants to make?

Well, that’s really up to every individual.

But, the nice part about bundling GDI with a previous system is that one can make money with the system while building their GDI downline. These other systems already were designed to make money without GDI. So now they will just make money with GDI working on the side. It’s a win-win situation.

What are you waiting for? At least take the Free Trial over at http://chedicorn.ws .
You have nothing to loose, it’s a trial. IF you decide to stay on board I will give you over $1000 worth of great marketing tools to help you out. So get on board, and let me help you build your downline. I only succeed if you do.

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