More WoW Cataclysm – Patch 4.0.3a Hotfixes
Cataclysm sites
Players do not receive more experience points for killing Mercurial droplets.
Low Stone Elementary now appear more quickly after they were killed.
Prisoners Quartz stone pieces in Lorthunas goal now appear more quickly after they were killed.
Players will now receive less experience points for killing Zornsteinrumplern.
Players have no problems with the camera angle when they try to spell Zoltrik dragon attack after they jumped into the quest, “Flight into the twilight” on his Pyroschlund Mount.
-Berserker Steintroggs now cause less damage.
-There are now more raging Worgen in the introduction of the Worgen quest series to support large groups of players.
-Worgen now have the quest “final” complete with Admiral night wind to get the chance to teleport to Rut’theran.
-Liam is an Anger Management has undergone and teamwork learned. He will now remain at the event “The Battle of Gilneas” on the side of his soldiers.
-The objects of the yacht climbing rope ladder and mortar “Last Chance” will now sparkle, while the quest “life savings” is active. Now with more sparks!
Mount Hyjal
-All players can now capture in a group during the quest “The black heart of the flame” the black heart of Thol’embaar after they defeated Thol’embaar. That’s only fair.
Elementary-Lohengebundene not grant experience points more when the flames rather stick is applied to them.
Players now get the error message “You find yourselves in the wrong zone” when they try to use the breeding of Smolderos outside of Mount Hyjal.
The flame-twilight twilight Rufer and supervisors now appear more quickly after they were killed.
Players will no longer be attacked by guards when they land in Nordrassil while they have sighted an enemy player. That was really quite a rough welcome.
Zwielichtsturmschürer-The Quest for the “slash and burn” now appear more quickly after they were killed.
-Flammenaszendenten needed for the quest “The power of the Firelord” now appear more quickly after they were killed.
Shadow Highlands
The mistress of the black-shed and the shed in the shadow of the black looters highlands now appear less frequently after they were killed, and give less experience points.
Goals, the vehicles with turrets in the quest “On the wall, lying in wait” can be killed granted, now no more experience points.
Twilight-kidnappers and the cinnabar Zwielichtfeuerzüngler refuge grant any more experience points and drop no loot more.
-Subjugated Firestarter grant any more experience points and drop no loot more.
Players can no longer get stuck in one phase, after viewing the quests of the “Missing Pieces” and “lost productivity” caused cutscene.
-Murrblutaasfresser that are killed by players by using Salhets lions during the quest, “the tactician Salhet” grant, no experience points more. If you want to win something, sometimes you’ve got to take care of it alone.
be Neferset creatures in the “Let bleed the enemy” for the quest needed now appear more quickly after they were killed.
Players will now correctly the phase change after the quest “Gubbels!” have given.
Players will now be in the correct phase when they have spoken to wave spokeswoman securities, after they have completed the quest “Speak to the ancestors.” Ghost question mark on the mini-map to make anyone fun.
The anchor-attack! The Thief of deep fins you now holds only for five seconds in a single location, rather than for 20 seconds.
-The damage of the wily Großaals will now be reduced properly when a player is not directly attacking him after the eel splosive device was triggered while the quests “Come here, little fish little fish part 2: The egg, eel-trick Blues” (Horde ) or “The Brothers Excavation song Part 2: The egg, eel-trick Blues” (Alliance) is active.
Scar-smugglers now has two guards, instead of one, and the deep fog grotto has a guard, instead of none. In addition Cave Creeper are now immune to control effects. gank should also have limits.
Players can get the swimming speed increased by 450% not the abysmal sea horse on sneaky, underhanded way.
-The cry of earth healer Duarn is visible only for the player who interacted for the quest “contact” with him.
Overseer Idra’kess can only be seen when a player is in range.
-The following creatures or objects in Vash’jir now appear more quickly after they were killed or used: conch, salt water, starfish, helmet of Stormwind, Spear of Stormwind, King Gurboggel, Fathom-Lord Zin’Jatar, WAufseher Azjakir, Akasha, Varkul the Grim .
Elendri gold-brow no longer provides an inappropriate, removed quest “Exciting distraction” to.
-It happened that Duarn Erunak and are not available on the event in the quest Nespirah. This has been fixed.
Player of the opposing faction can not kill the bait for the sea horses. That was just mean and wrong. And mean.
-Corporal Pollard has no duplicate personality more if players have the quest “cavers” completed and now sits Gurrok right after he was cured.
-Horde players will now get the right call when they complete quests in Vashj’ir.
-The Quest of the Earthen Ring in Vashj’ir now matching grant reputation with the Earthen Ring.
Ancient-lines for the quest “The Rise forbidden!” appear again quickly.
-The cut-scene, the players in the U-boat lead, after speaking with Erunak for the quest “Defense of the abyss”, players should no longer sometimes thrown out of phase.
Abscesses of Nespirah needed for the quest “whole body” now appear in more places faster and appear again after being pierced.
-The rusty key that is found during the quest “Kliklaks throat” can now be captured by several members of a group. Joy, oh joy!
Eastern Kingdoms
Spell-Master offers the Andromath removed quest “UR’s Treatise on Shadow Magic” in Redridge not more.
-The removed quest “Mor’zul blood bringer” in the Burning Steppes is no longer offered warlocks of the Horde or the Alliance.
-Horde players can now make the quest “fake documents” in the cooking hut at Suja in Orgrimmar.
Quests in Azshara now give reputation with bilge water, as required.
Kranal-Fiss offers the removed quest “Call of Fire” in northern Barrens no longer.
-Warlock will now be an “immune” error message, when acting on Impsy Enslave Demon in Felwood.
-The quest “Nothing for you here” can be further completed when a player has already completed “My time is up” in the Stonetalon Mountains.
-The quest “We have only one task, maybe two …” can now be completed by a simple visit to Saurboz in Stonetalon and is not affected by the car.
Defender of the Sha’tar are now required to be at level 65 instead of 85 and no longer by the slice Verdammnisverkünder Auchenai in Terokkar Forest, the “Evil draws near” for the quest.
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