Canadian In Twenty First Century
Canada is a part of G-8 which is a forum that is created by most industrialized countries in the world. This critically means that Canada is playing an important role in the economical growth of the world. Being a Canadian some years ago might not have been so alluring, but currently being a Canadian is something that fascinates everyone around. Logically speaking Canada has emerged as most secure lands in terms of business and education. The currently itself has been manufacturer of various products and quite strong in providing the services. The oil industry and the logging are one of the two very important pillars of the Canadian economy (Fox, 1996). Canada is also member of Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development and has lowest debts in all the ten largest trading nations of the world. Research done by Forbes Global which focused on 2000 largest companies of the world, Canada was ranked fifth having 69 companies (Wallace, 2002).
Canada is providing the best possible luxuries to its citizens. The social security system matches that of United States but more resourceful because of less population and incredibly less unemployment rate. Unemployment in Canada is around 7.5% as observed in February 2009 even in the days of the recession provide enough proof of its stability in the world where various countries like UK and USA were downed with the impacts of the financial slump (Wallace, 2002). Canada is right up there in the agriculture manufacturing as well.
Canada is full of natural resources. One of the largest resources of natural gas is present in Alberta province apart from the oil reservoirs in the northern parts and in the seas. Athabasca Oil Sands makes Canada the second largest resourceful country in the oil. Canada is also providing hydropower electricity to various countries which are not rich in these kinds of resources. Canada is large reserves of Uranium and Zinc and it is considered as leader in other minerals like gold, aluminum and nickel (Fox, 1996). Various other manufacturing includes the industries of automobiles and aeronautical related products.
Being a Canadian in the twenty first century describes the role of the Canada it has started to play in the whole world. Today Canada is one of largest investors of the World Bank and IMF that are helping poor countries to become stable in their economy and get out of the list of third world countries (Wallace, 2002). The telecommunication sector is playing its part too as the investments by the Canadian companies are not limited to Canada but also in various Asian and African countries.
Education of Canada is considered one of the best in the field of science and technology. The research facilities are right up there with those of MIT and University of California. Thousands of students feel honored to get admitted to the Canadian universities every year. It is one of the most visited countries where roughly more than 1 million tourists come from different parts of the world (Canadian Heritage, 2002).