Ruby on Rails & Application Development
Today there are many programming languages and frameworks to create a web application, but RoR offers a totally different experience to develop a web application. Read the article to learn how RoR helps develop applications quickly is RoR Ruby on Rails. Ruby is a object-oriented programming similar to programming languages such as Perl, Python, TCL / TK and object-oriented languages like Smalltalk programming, Eiffel, Ada, Java. Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby. Not offer any new things. The difference is that if you take a week to develop a web application in another context, RoR allows development in a day.
Ruby is becoming popular because it is easy to learn, open source object-oriented programming language libraries and rich communities helpful. Rails is a web application framework written in Ruby. Its structure allows the development of web applications much faster backup database in typical Java framework.
The general characteristics of the rails that can run on any web server that implements CGI. Since the performance of CGI is slow. Rails application using CGI recommended fast for better performance. Rails support for databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQL Server, DB2 and Oracle, and also works on multiple platform, including Windows, Linux, Mac, Apache, Lighttpd, Mongrel and Gem Package Manager.
Rails is a package of several components and can be used separately. Its components are
– ORM – object relational mapping layer that connects business objects for tables of the database
– Action Pack MVC controls. It makes the user’s query and get the information database and returns the user
– Prototype, this component helps to add visual effects and drag and drop into your web pages
– Action Mailer helps send and receive email messages
– Action supports Web Services, XML-RPC, WSDL, SOAP and Web services helps add API in web applications
Easy dumping data
Often you need to get data from production to dev or / dev to the local office or your local dealer to another developer. A plug-in that we use over and over is Yaml_db26. This nifty little plug-in allows you to download or upload data by issuing a command from the rake. The data is stored in a YAML file located in db / data.yml. This is very portable and easy to read if it is necessary to examine the data.
RoR has a lot of built-in brackets and plug-ins such as frameworks, MVC, Filters, AJAX, code generators, etc. This helps to develop applications quickly. It supports multiple databases. Ruby on Rails has great libraries and enable communities to help developers who need any doubt. RoR supports and to develop on Mac OS compared to windows environment. Spaces are paying more RAM and CPU takes longer to respond. It is not easy to debug errors in the code. It supports IDE under static code and making it difficult to maintain larger applications. RoR though not in the development of large applications. It is useful to create faster and error free small web application. RoR is alone with BD and supports multiple plug-ins.
India is fast emerging as an ideal destination for software outsourcing services to the methodology of quality of programming RoR application development and quality. Although there are some cons, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages and therefore RoR, it is certainly an ideal programming platform for rapid application development.
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