Greenhouse Effect And Global Warming
We live in world that is constantly changing and developing. New technology, faster cars and world wide travel are becoming a necessary part of life rather than luxuries for the elite. The widespread availability and decreasing cost of technology is having a major impact on the environment, especially in the area of global warming. Global warming is no longer a myth but a harsh reality that is having a dramatic impact on the Earth’s climate. Recently, there has been more attention showered onto this area as a result of greater publicity and growing proof that the earth’s climate is no longer stable. This paper will explore the concept of global warming and what governments are doing in attempts to fight it.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines global warming as a worldwide phenomenon which is mainly characterized by the shift of the earth’s climate towards higher temperatures. Some of the manifestations of global warming include what is termed as the greenhouse effect, bizarre climate shifts, and the unusual occurrence of certain calamities. What causes global warming is not fully understood yet many experts on the issue suggests that it is the result of numerous factors. Most people argue that it is incessant human activities that cause global warming while others claim that humans do not contribute to it but instead is caused by natural earthly phenomenon. Still, others believe that it is the result of the combined nonliving and living factors. Let us tackle them one at a time. There are four main gases that are released as a result of human activities.
– Carbon Dioxide (CO2): This gas is released into the atmosphere when fossil fuels such as oil and coal are burnt along with other naturally occurring elements such as wood products and trees. Chemical reactions are also responsible for releasing this gas into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is naturally removed from the atmosphere when it is absored y plants and trees as a result of biological carbon cycle(U.S. Protection Agency, 2008).
-Methane (CH4): This gas is released when coal, natural gas, and oil are produced and trnasported. Other causes of Methane release arises from agricultural practices and by the degration of garbage in landfills and other waste sites
(U.S. Protection Agency, 2008).
-Nitrous Oxide (N2O): This gas is released as a result of activites such as agricultural and industrial. Other causes of the release of Nitrous Oxide is the combuation of waste and fossil fuels
(U.S. Protection Agency, 2008).
-Fluorinated Gases: Gases such as these occur in many forms such as Hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride and are completley man made. The are released into the earths atmosphere as a result of industrial processes. Although these gases are released into the atmosphere in much smaller amounts than other gases, they are substainlly much stronger thus are often referred to as High Global Warming Potential gases