Relationship Advice : Are You Ready To Save The Relationship?

No relationship is perfect. The huge expectations that couples have before getting married are frequently destroyed when trouble in the relationship sets in. The first signs of trouble often go unseen, thus, leaving the problems to accumulate to finally complicate the situation and reduce your chances to save the relationship. When couples in the end realize that they need to act to save the marriage, sometimes it is too late.

But couples who do hold on, and are persistent to make a go of it and save the relationship can have a better chance of doing so. Understanding that there is a problem is the most perplexing phase in a troubled marriage. Acknowledging that there is a problem is one of the hardest things to do. It is hard to acknowledge failure. But once you and your partner admit that there is a problem, you will have taken the first step to save the relationship.

There is no magic formula to this. But if both partners admit that there is a problem, then the exercise to save the marriage can get underway pretty quickly. It takes two to tango. If only one partner has a desire to save the marriage, then the possibility of failure increases. Both partners must exert concerted effort to save the relationship.

Saving the marriage at the first stages of the problem is easier than if you wait when the trouble has escalated. Of course, many couples often are not even cognizant that there is trouble brewing in the relationship in its early stages. Wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of everyday living, couples oftentimes are too busy in their careers to recognize the telltale signs of relationship deterioration.

Are these telltale signs present in your marriage?

Although before, you did things together, you and your spouse start doing things on your own. The “we” has been replaced by “me”. You are each interested only in your own needs and wants.

You or your spouse are steadily losing affection for each other. You or your spouse start to spend more time away from home, opting for the company of friends instead of spending a quiet evening at home together.

Though in the early days of the marriage, praises are exchanged on a regular basis, now more criticisms are thrown at each other, even for the most inessential issues. Criticism has become the main them in your conversations.

Change is needed if you want to save the marriage from further failure. But before change can take place, both spouses should be enthusiastic to sit down and talk about the situation. If both partners cannot talk about it by themselves, counseling is a good alternative. Maybe you and your partner need a third party to arbitrate and moderate an objective discussion. But whatever the method that you resort to, acknowledgment of the fact that there is a problem in the marriage is essential for you to progress any further.

No marriage is without its share of problems. The thing that differentiates between victory and failure of marriage lies in the zeal of the couple to thresh out the issues and talk about it. It is only if you and your partner are willing to take action can you really have a chance tosave the relationship .

Zeny Zabala is a relationship resource person who loves to write articles about marriage and relationships for individuals looking for help and inspiration in their relationships. She also provides reading recommendations on her web site with reviews on the best available reading resources on the internet today. Visit her website now.

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