WoW Cataclysm – Changes to the guild

Guilds are one of the pillars of the World of Warcraft community. Whether dedicated or part-Raider a comfortable leveling guild, the developers have introduced some changes to improve the guild experience. With patch 4.0.1, you will find that not more guilds are part of the sociability-rider, but get their own place in the interface has (keyboard shortcut: J). This area has been completely redesigned to improve the efficiency, appearance and navigation comfort for all guild members. This paper will address three key components: the craft guild list, guild news and events, and improved guild options.

Guild Craftsmen Directory

In the tab “Directory” of the new guild window, players now have the opportunity to view the occupations of all guild members. All of the main occupations are listed alphabetically in the guild craft directory and guild members with at least one major active work are included with their current occupation in the directory. Guild members can can look in two ways according to recipes, patterns, blueprints and schematics (To keep the whole thing for this post of course, they are now all called “recipes”):

After-player: If a job section is opened in the directory, all guild members will be listed with the occupation zone, including their skill level and current. By clicking on a player’s name gives a separate window with all known recipes. You will have the opportunity to slot this list (head, shoulder, etc) have sub-classes (Item Enchantment, modification, weapon type, etc) to sort out any existing materials and skill levels increase.

-Formulated: Players also will have the opportunity to search for all guild recipes by the “Show All” option next to the name of the profession then in the directory. This separate window is opened by all known recipes are displayed the guild for that job. When the desired recipe is found, you have to go only to “guild craftsmen” to see which guild can make this particular subject. If one of the permitted guild craftsmen are online, you will have the opportunity to whisper to him by clicking his name. There are the same filtering options as well in the search for players.

Guild news and events

The developers have made it easier than ever to plan guild events and remain regarding the latest developments in the communities informed.

Guild News: Guild News Guild include achievements, successes members, raid encounters, produced, collected or purchased epic items, and guild level. This news will be in reverse chronological order by the date shown in the window for guild news and can be filtered according to the players preference for news-type. The guild message of the day is also the tab for guild news top of the window.

-Upcoming events: Guild members with the appropriate rights can now guild-specific events and announcements to compose. Guild events and announcements work similar to normal events and can match calendar or through the guild window are recognized. Opposite to normal events, but these events and announcements are available to the guild and are both in the standard guild tab under “news and communities? Events”, as displayed in the Info tab under “events”. This feature helps to ensure that all communities know about planned activities and important information notice.

New and improved guild options

Last but not least, add the developers add more functionality for guild management.
Revised-control of Guild Ranks: Guild Leaders have the option on the fly guild ranks add, remove, upgrade, to devalue and rename it.
-Improved interface for Rights: Guild Ranks, Rank and banking law are now organized into separate windows. The developers have also added new options and improved access management, which guild leaders more control over access rights to specific guilds and banking features are the individual rankings.
-New Authenticator query: Security-minded guild leaders now have the ability to award certain guild ranks Rights, which requires the use of a

As concerns the new Authenticator query, there are some limitations that should not forget the guild leader.

-You can players who have linked a Authenticator with their account, not to promote or demote in rank, which require an authenticator. Should a player attempt to promote or demote in this example, you get either the the player to the nearest legal place to bring or to cancel. (Please remember that it may take several days before the guild system has a newly added Authenticator also recognized.)
-If a player holding a rank that requires an authenticator, but this removed from his account, he is automatically on the next allowable rank demoted.
-The condition of Authenticator can not the lowest rank (Initiate) or highest (Guild Leader) or a rank that is currently used to be allocated.

A look into the future

Remember that this is just a taste of is what you expect and want additional features (such as guild awards) with Cataclysm be available.

You can know more from the wow powerleveling.

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