How to be prepared for an American Teotwawki?
BY: Pat Fisher
American Teotwawki is also referred to as the end of the world as existent or an end of the things that are most important for someone. Earlier not many people were aware of this concept and were at ease thinking that things will continue as they are. However, the recent disasters in several fields have triggered the discussions on American Teotwawki. It is always good to be prepared for something that we know- if that happens the world will not mean the same to us. Thus it is something that many people are adopting these days. The concept of being prepared of what can change the world to you is spreading like fire and all in good.
There are various factors that render people in a position that is entirely different from what it used to be. One of the most prominent examples is the economic slump in America. Many businesses have closed down in the recent past and this has not only affected the owners of such businesses but also several employees who were forced to leave their job. Leaving a job is not a small thing. For many people it implies complete change of their world as their car, flat, salary, way to living, self-esteem, etc. everything has been taken away from them.
Another example is of the natural disasters that are taking place every now and then. When hurricane Katrina banged through Louisiana, the sight was awful. For those, who have been through it or have watched that dreadful sight know what is being talked about. The number of natural disasters has also increased over the period of time. Even the rains are not consistent if we see the past trends. At some places, heavy rains cause floods and yet others experience a complete dry season resulting in a shortage of food grains. Earth quakes, famines, etc.,is a common sight at places which used to be ignorant of such disasters.
Whatever may be the reason for an American Teotwawki, it is always good if you prepare yourself to deal with any unknown difficult situation. You can learn how to store food, keep some medicines for emergency, plant trees, grow some fruits and vegetables in your garden, save money, keep reserves, use less of plastics, conserve natural resources, read through and understand practical skills that might prove to be beneficial in such a situation. These things can prove to very beneficial in a teotwawki.
About Author:
Pat Fisher – Introduced to preparedness, he began learning as much as he could, and now shares that information with you at American Teotwawki. To know more about American Teotwawki, visit