Your Success is Measured By The Quality of Your Life
Most of us tend to measure success by the amount of money we earn or the wealth we accumulate. Generating wealth for self and others is a positive trait and definitely helps in acquiring and maintaining materialistic objects designed to provide physical comforts. Some of us measure success by the number of qualifications that we gather and the text book knowledge that we acquire and accumulate. We feel pride in gaining and distributing such knowledge and think of it an act of success. Acquiring text book knowledge and distributing the same or using the same for materialistic gains is again a positive trait and definitely leads to some accomplishment. However, success measured, as aforesaid, in terms of wealth or knowledge will not necessarily ensure a good quality of life unless it is backed by good relationships.
The key to good quality of life is the quality of our relationships and the building of a character very close to the laws of nature; a character which is universal in nature and far from manipulative practices and procedures.
There is no short cut to harvesting a good, permanent and trustworthy relationship. A good relationship is built upon the strong foundation of “ethics”, “principles”, and the “law of natural justice”. Quite often than not, we tend to practice manipulative skills of our work environment, in our family or very personal relationship to get short term results. The concept of quick fix in a relationship is against the laws of nature and doesn’t work. Trying to undo wrongs over a week end in a relationship; be it love, marriage, family or a work environment is temporary in nature and fails miserably. It does not inspire trust. The fear of wrong doing persists and makes the relationship hollow like a termite eaten wooden beam which appears healthy from the outside but crumbles suddenly even with a light nudge.
The policy of quick fix is against the laws of nature. We can not leave our plants without manure, water or sunlight for months and bring them back to health by pouring extra inputs all at a time. We can not milk a cow once a week. The laws of the farm applies to our relationship in unequivocal terms. We need to nurture a relationship to bring it to its full bloom and maturity; just as we nurture a farm following the natural process of soil preparation, cultivating, sowing, watering, weeding and then nurturing growth to its full maturity for a rich harvest.
Character is the backbone of lasting relationships. Most of us work hard on the development of our appearance and for being presentable. We work less on practicing principles and developing good character; the principles as defined by the laws of nature. Correct principles always point to a single direction. Principles are not the products of our knowledge or innovations. They are governed by the law of the universe pertaining to human relationships. Character development is the true test of our maturity. We need to build these principles in our lives and relationships. It is a misconception to project appearance before character. A great appearance without the solid foundation of character is like a tree without roots. Mahatma Gandhi developed a relationship of trust with millions of fellow countrymen and also with his arc enemy, the Britishers; because of his undisputed strong character and principles based on the laws of nature. If appearance, presentable ness or the quality of the dress would have been the yardstick of success, Mahatma would have been a great failure. He, on the contrary, was a great success because of his relationships built on a strong character governed by the laws of nature.
Goodness of character is greatness of character and greatness of character is the key to good and lasting relationships. Good and lasting relationships based on trust are the key to good quality of life and success.
Om Prakash Pasari provides Counselling on happy living, relationship, family matters, career, employment, finance and legal matters. If you need private matter counselling on relationship problem please visit