Dentistry for children – Dental tips for infants

Remember, a child’s dental care begins before birth. A child’s teeth form between the third and sixth month of pregnancy. An expectant mother must practice good health habits to ensure proper development of her unborn child’s teeth. This means consuming plenty of calcium-rich foods such as leafy greens, fortified cereals and dairy or soy products.

Dental problems, like cavities, tooth decay, enamel breakdown and even serious problems like gum disease can start at a very young age. And unfortunately, a child who is not familiar with proper tooth care or dental visits could develop a fear of the dentist that lasts into adulthood. This will make it more unlikely that his teeth will be properly cared for in the future. So educate your child on good dental routines early on in his life.

Dental Tips for Your Kids:

The first and the foremost tip to have good long lasting and healthy teeth is to brush twice a day. Most of the families are themselves not in a habit to brush twice a day and the children also pick up the same habit. However, research has shown that people brushing their teeth twice a day experienced fewer dental problems as compared to individuals brushing their teeth once a day. Important point is to be noted is that, brushing should be done in a proper manner and not in a hurry.

Teens are known for eating sweet snacks, fast foods and meals on-the-run. But these eating habits are the culprits of tooth decay and dental problems. Make sure your kids choose their foods wisely. When possible, foods like sugary snacks and sweet sticky foods should be eaten at meal times when other foods help neutralize their damaging effects. When your kids do snack, encourage them to eat foods that are good for their teeth like nuts, popcorn, cheese, raw vegetables, plain yogurt, and sugarless gum or candy. And remind them to brush, or at least rinse, after every meal.

Take your child to the dentist by his/her first birthday. A dentist will check your 1-year-old for tooth decay, as well as identify fluoride needs and address any potentially dangerous habits such as thumb sucking. Don’t use toothpaste for children under 2. As soon as the first teeth appear, brush teeth with a little bit of water. After children have reached the age of 2, toothpaste can be introduced in pea-sized amounts. Teach your children the proper brushing techniques. Choosing the right kind of toothbrush is very crucial for the over all health of your teeth. A brush with M-shaped bristles is an ideal one. Always go in for soft bristles. Your teeth are constituted of two major elements. They are calcium and phosphorus. These elements help in hardening your teeth and also in the formation of teeth in children.

Continuous thumb sucking in a child past toddler-hood is a significant cause of dental problems. It can cause the top row of teeth to move forward permanently. To help prevent the need for braces and other orthodontic procedures later on, stop thumb sucking as soon as possible.Remember,prevention and early treatment are the best medicine.

The earlier you start your child’s routine of going to the dentist, the more likely he will be to continue the habit into adulthood. kindly visit our Dentist in Tustin
/ Tustin dentist for any kind of dental issues.
Dental care for children should be given the same amount of respect and consideration as any other area of a child’s healthcare.

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