Combine Your Data From All Your Processes With Crystal Reports

The advanced age of computer processing was seen as the miracle tool of business. No longer would managers have to slave over manually created reporting sheets trying to determine kernels of insight from which to make industry leading decisions. What we have discovered however, is that by being able to measure and record so much of process detail, we can become inundated with numbers; crystal reports ameliorates the information overload.

With the addition of spreadsheet software, the computer made a permanent entrance into the business world. Its infallible and powerful computation capability provided instant answers from mounds of recorded numbers. But as businesses grow, they expand and for efficiency enter into fleeting relationships for mutually beneficial increments of supply or transportation needs.

In addition to the sheer volume, the formats ran the gamut of software from around the world. No single corporation runs everything, with supply chains demanding instead partnering when necessary with whatever segment of industry provides needed material, transportation or information at any particular time. This translates to data appearing in an incredible variety of formats.

Today our data is collected in a dizzying array of styles and stored in an equal number of varying formats. Point of sale and statistical process control information with myriad quality measurements are all warehoused for management use. The problem is in getting to the information from the data because everything is in a different format. It does little good for a manager or leader to have mountains of data if it can not be evaluated together.

Forensic analysis of breakdown executed at high expense and manpower invariably revealed the proper decision could have been made with the reports already in existence if they had but made their way to the decision maker in a manner he could understand. The operative concept was getting data in a form that could be turned into into actionable information.

The likelihood of drawing the correct decision making information about storage, transportation, stock levels, or manufacturing conditions if the two types of data are not taken together is reduced. Comparing the information from Asia with the information from Europe might indicate a better way to use the limited raw material, but only if that data is also in a comparable reporting system.

Naturally, a division can be created to take all the disparate types of data in all the varying formats and input them into a single spreadsheet, database or graph, but that would require an enormous amount of manpower and time to recapture data already available. In the time taken to recapture the data in a standard format that a single manager can use to make a decision, conditions may have changed, leaving leadership always behind the power curve while trying to manage operations.

The answer is to write software that can accept data in all formats and styles and manipulate the data to build presentations and reports in the manner the decision maker needs. Add to this ideal tool the ability to change and cross reference data and you have a tool management can use to decide what they should do about what is going to happen instead of reacting to what happened in the past. This is the elegance of crystal reports.

Looking for a means to integrate your data from all sources ? Get the exclusive low down now in our complete crystal reports and crystal reports training review .

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