Best way to choose your pet and take care of your dog
Selecting and Caring for Your Dog.
The guarding instinct is not the only working instinct in your dog will show, you’ll find it interesting that although many working and sporting dogs are no longer used for the work they were originally called on to do, they retain their instinct to perform. Your Border collie may anxiously circle a group of other dogs, or even children, until he’s got them all together in one place; this behavior is a A throwback to the job his ancestors were bred to do herding sheep. Some small breeds, like Welsh corgis, have a tendency to snap at the heels of dogs (or people) it’s the way their ancestors rounded up cattle. Pointers who have never been used for hunting will stop and “point” when they see or smell a squirrel or a rabbit. That’s how they would alert a hunter to the location of the prey.
Even if you acquire a mixed-breed dog, you can often make a good guess at his ancestry by watching the way he behaves. And many of these behavioral patterns can be useful clues when you’re making a choice about the kind of i dog you’d like to have as a pet. Even before you decide what kind of dog you want, h0wever,you ought to take a good look at why you want a dog at all. ls it for companionship? As a friend for the children? As a guard dog formally trained to guard or simply to provide a good loud warning bark or an impressive presence? Do you want a dog that you can exhibit at breed shows or obedience trials? Do you plan to breed your dog?
Whichever answer you give, remind yourself that any dog will make certain demands on your long term demands, at that. Any dog, St. Bernard or Pekingese, purebred or mutt, will cost you time, energy, and money. All dogs need food, shelter, and routine medical care-vaccinations, for instance. They get sick and sometimes need specialized care that can be expensive. You’ll need leashes and grooming equipment. lf you travel, you have to take the dog along or make special arrangements to have him cared for. Moreover, your dog has to be socially acceptable; it’s up to you to train him to do as he’s told and not be a nuisance to others. This isn’t just a courtesy to your neighbors either energetic than you might expect. Beagles, for instance, have great stamina and need plenty of exercise. Otherwise, they’ll bounce around indoors and drive you crazy. And where will the dog urinate and defecate? Remember that in some areas you’re legally responsible for cleaning up after him. Will you have to exercise the dog yourself, or can you recruit family members to do some of it? Do you have a big yard where the dog can play, or must you walk him on a leash to the nearest park every time he needs to run? lf your space and / or your energy is at a premium, choose a dog that’s a natural stay at- home, not an outdoorsy type.
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