What Are The Diabetes Symptoms

Visiting a doctor and getting a proper analysis of your glucose is the easiest way to find out if you suffer from diabetes or not. Some symptoms are also there that can tell you indirectly whether you encounter any of the three diabetes types – type 1, type 2 and pregnancy type.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type. If you feel like urinating quite often and especially if you also wake up at night to do it, then it may be a sign of diabetes. The kidneys increase their activity to remove the extra glucose from the blood; therefore you will also experience an increased sensation of thirst. Always comes together these two symptoms. A high level of glucose also usually determines a fast and unexplainable weight loss – up to 3-5 kilos a month. As the insulin doesn’t provide the cells with glucose, the unexpected weight loss comes as a result of this. Therefore, there is nothing in the organism can transform in energy, so it starts feeding with the proteins in muscles and fat to survive. Due to the high oscillations of the glucose, intense hunger may also appear. To work properly, the organism asks for extra food as its level goes down. Itches and dry skin are also symptoms of diabetes. The skin problems include dark spots in the areas of armpits and neck sometimes. The long lasting cure should be a question mark, whenever you suffer from a wound, whether you cut your nails excessively or you just fall during an exercise. Obviously, your blood vessels are deteriorated and this is usually due to the high quantity of glucose. Symptoms of diabetes obviously are also tiredness and foggy view, tingles and numbness.

On the other hand, the diabetes type 1 is less common, since if affects younger people. There are only a few months between the first symptoms and the installation of diabetes 1. Although the symptoms are pretty much similar, this type of diabetes only includes the high need of thirst and often urinations, tiredness, extra hunger, weakness and weight loss. Although the symptoms are quite similar, these two types of diabetes are very difference one from the other. As these symptoms may be also common for other diseases, it becomes very important to make sure you ask for detailed professional tests when you consult a doctor At the same time, when two or more of them start showing up, pretty high chances are there to have diabetes.

Pregnancy diabetes suffered by a pregnant woman is generally asymptomatic, just like the other two types of diabetes. Tiredness, extra urination and hunger may show up, in rare cases. The insulin necessity of a pregnant woman is about 3 times bigger than normal, during the 2-nd and 3-rd trimesters of pregnancy. The raise in the anti-insulin hormones production is explained by this. A doctor is consulted as fast as possible when whichever of these symptoms may be encountered. There is not an official way to cure diabetes yet, but there are many other ways to prevent its development.

Know more about diabetes symptoms signs and diabetes symptoms.

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