Bad Breath Treatments – Some Simple Treatments To Cure Your Bad Breath

Many people across the world suffer every day from bad breath. It is a very embarrassing condition, causing sufferers to fear speaking face-to-face with someone else. What many people don’t know, though, is that there are a great deal of bad breath treatments available on the market today. This article will discuss some different bad breath treatments, and which ones not to use. Before discussing bad breath treatments, though, it is important to understand why bad breath is caused in the first place.

Bad breath is caused by an anaerobic bacteria under the surface of the tongue. This bacteria is actually normal in every human being and is essential for vital human functions such as digestion. It helps break down proteins in food, phlegm, and mucous. However, this bacteria becomes “overactive” in certain situations. They begin to break down proteins at an extremely high rate. These proteins are high in sulfur, which, if you have ever smelled it, is very stinky.

So how can you cure this bad breath? As stated before, these bacteria are anaerobic, meaning that they live without oxygen. So, to eliminate the bacteria, all you need to do is expose oxygen to them. One of the simple bad breath treatments for this is to sit with your mouth open and your tongue sticking out. Sound ridiculous? Yes? Well it actually is pretty ridiculous. Although effective in introducing oxygen to the bacteria, I don’t think anybody would want to walk around with their mouth wide open and tongue sticking out to get rid of their bad breath. Luckily, there are some other simple bad breath treatments that help.

First, make sure you drink the recommended 64 fluid ounces of water each day. This will keep an oxygen-rich compound (water) near your tongue to help eliminate some of those stinky bacteria. Secondly, be sure to brush your teeth, floss your gums, scrape your tongue with a tongue scraper, and use mouthwash at least once daily to keep the mouth clean and fresh. Another one of the bad breath treatments is to chew on parsley, eucalyptus, wintergreen mint, or cardamom seeds. These bad breath treatments are often effective at killing your bad breath.

Tony McGuigano is the owner of the Front Lace Wigs website, as well as a website called Eye Exercises.

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