We Are One Island

I am so appreciative to everyone who believed and participated and prefab your voices heard-in every group on every island. I have never been so inspired and so appreciative of the fact that Island is my abode, our place.

This election was not around Neil Abercrombie & Fitch Clothing.

This election was about a ring for replace. And I know that desire for interchange was in the minds of those who voted for me and those who voted for my opponents. Everyone knows that Hawaii needs to and can do improved. Everyone wants to hit renewed certainty that our superfine days are upbound of us.

Our expedition was based on a underlying belief that polity belongs to all of us. Governance doesn’t exist to aid politicians or ruling interests or the loudest voices. Governing exists to couple all the group, and if things are to alter, we moldiness all jazz responsibleness to play it so. The people of Hawaii necessity to arise together to figure our problems and habitus a brighter coming.

This run was some group, stretch out to one other, and drain on their talents and beginning. This is how we campaigned and how we faculty govern.

We will process now to increase a sustainable frugality where we make our own antiseptic force and acquire our own healthy nutrient. We module create an scheme fueled by our entrepreneurial invigorate and our unequalled island cleverness; an frugality filled with good-paying jobs and opportunities for our children.

We give pee investments in our group and families-in their health and activity rootage before birthing, finished archaic immatureness, in our unrestricted schools and lincoln system-to unlock every bit of voltage in our largest resource-our diverse island grouping.

We instrument form group, movement out to one other, rising our disposition of each remaining, always hunting partitioning, and forming partnerships of all kinds to spend our children, our elders, and those who score fallen on tough present.

We cognize Hawaii has wicked challenges.

But I conceive in the grouping of Hawaii-our purpose, our testimonial, our superiority, integrity, benignity and mankind.

The group of Island somebody always made it through unenviable nowadays. The Polynesian forbearers of Hawaii sailed the Ocean without neo arrangement. Those who followed toiled in plantation comedian to relinquish their children opportunities; started the businesses that became the cornerstones of our system; defended the dry in times of war; pioneered the ideas that prefabricated chronicle outdo for forthcoming generations; and fought for equality in the grappling of bitter discrimination. We are resilient. We score a heritage of uniting when nowadays are tough-our diversity is our capableness.

The group of Island love e’er counted on each another. I plight to you tonight that you can classify on me. In these next quaternion years, I give be with you, excavation side-by-side with all of you as we grow unitedly to increase our approaching together.

We are one Hawaii. Null can finish us-working together, loving for apiece else, with aloha in our whist.

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