Oral Health – Oral Thrush

The word “oral” refers to the mouth, which includes your teeth, gums, jawbone, and supporting tissues. Taking good care of your oral health can prevent disease in your mouth. Oral health can affect the health of your entire body. Good oral health does not just mean you have pretty teeth. Your whole mouth needs care to be in good health.

Oral Thrush:

Oral thrush is an infection of yeast fungus, Candida albicans, in the mucous membranes of the mouth. Strictly speaking, thrush is only a temporary candida infection in the oral cavity of babies. But we have, for this purpose, expanded the term to include candida infections occurring in the mouth and throat of adults, also known as candidiasis or moniliasis.

Thrush is also called oral candidiasis. These fungal infections appear as red, yellow, or white lesions, flat or slightly raised, in the mouth or throat. It can look like cottage cheese. This fungus lives naturally in your mouth. Oral thrush is a very common infection in infants that causes irritation in and around the baby’s mouth. It is caused by the overgrowth of the yeast candida albicans.

Symptoms and Treatment

Oral thrush typically causes creamy white lesions inside your mouth, particularly on your tongue and inner cheeks, gums and tonsils, and sometimes even the roof of your mouth. These lesions can often resemble cottage cheese in appearance. They can be painful, and may bleed slightly if you rub them or scrape them. Symptoms may begin suddenly. They can, however, persist for a long time.

In adults, thrush can cause an uncomfortable burning sensation in the mouth and throat. In severe cases, the lesions can spread right down your oesophagus, giving you throat thrush. If this happens, you may have difficulty swallowing, or you may feel as though you have food stuck in your throat.

Oral thrush is rarely a problem for healthy adults, but an infection can return even after it is treated since you need to understand the nature of the problem. Oral thrush medication capsules will destroy the yeast but they will not tackle the root of the problem which your is body’s inability to control the yeast infections. However, curing Oral Thrush is very easy once you know how.

Normally, thrush isn’t a serious condition, but in people with HIV or otherwise compromised immune systems, the symptoms can get so bad that eating is painful. If the infection spreads to the intestines, it can be difficult to get adequate nutrition at a time when you need it most. Thrush is more likely to spread to other parts of the body in people with cancer, HIV or other conditions that affect the immune system. It can affect the lungs, digestive tract and liver.

Oral thrush is a minor problem if you’re healthy, but if you have a weakened immune system, symptoms of oral thrush may be more severe and difficult to control. Kindly visit Dentist in Tustin
/ Tustin Dentist for any sort of dental issues.

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