Locating and Removing Fleas from your Dog
Fleas are some of the most misery producing creatures known to man and beast. They are parasites that live outside the body rather than inside, such as different types of worms. Fleas have an oval or round body accompanied by very tiny legs. These vampiric little creatures attach themselves to the outside of your dog’s body and suck its blood.
It’s quite easy to tell if your dog is afflicted with fleas as there will be much scratching. When you notice this, brush your dog’s hair and the fleas will reveal themselves. In a serious infestation, you will see fleas jumping or falling from your dog’s body as you brush. It may be so serious that you will need to make a vet visit. In addition, there will be some cleaning required in your dog’s area, as well as any other part of your house it roams around in.
Even if you groom your dog on a regular basis, it’s still possible for them to pick up fleas. This can happen when you walk them or when they come into contact with other dogs. Don’t feel guilty as fleas are not easy to control.
When searching for fleas, don’t limit yourself to just brushing your dog. Use your hands to search them also as this is an even better way to find them. Particular problem areas are their legs, necks, groin, and the base of the tail. If you feel a little bump, part the hair in that area to check for fleas. Use a tissue or small plastic bag as a glove to detach the flea from your dog’s body and kill it. Regular body searches on your dog will turn up any flea or problems.
If you have trouble with the idea of actually detaching the fleas from your dog yourself, you can always buy flea remedies such as spray, collars, powder, or shampoo that will take care of the problem. If you have noticed fleas on your dog, adding these products into the regular grooming routine will ward them off quite effectively. If you are unfamiliar with how these products work, be sure to carefully read and follow the directions.
After finding those first fleas on your dog, it’s a good idea to do a body search every day while also applying your chosen flea treatment. Do a thorough search of your dog’s bed and area so that you can be sure those are treated and cleaned as well. You can spray those areas with flea spray.
People in countries that experience all 4 seasons can expect fleas to breed quickly during the spring months and become massive problems during the summer months. They can breed even during the winter because of warmth inside houses. If they can stay warm they will multiply.
It’s important to remember that as long as you take good care of your dog through grooming and hygiene, you will keep down the chances for it to become infested with fleas. You should be diligent and once you locate fleas, act immediately to eliminate them.
It is actually a rather simple process to locate and remove fleas from your dog. Through careful examination of your dog’s coat you can find them easily.
Want to know more about dog fleas? On FleasOnDogs.Org you can find articles about fleas on dogs, fleas on dogs treatment. Read also our article on Dogs Frontline, one of the leading medicines for ticks, lice, and fleas.