How to Muscle Sculpt – What to do when summer approaches

Summer is the time when we all want to relax under the sun and play beach volleyball. It’s the time when we all hang out at barbecues, sit at the beach for long hours, and attend pool parties at our friend’s place. This is the time when we all take off our shirts to highlight our beautifully sculpted muscles and our rock-solid bodies on which we have spent our last few months. None of us wants to go around with a loose and flabby body. Nevertheless, not all of us are so fortunate. There must be a way of getting into that killer shape in a couple of months. Now you might ask how. Well read on to find the answer.
Most of the people who get into shape in a couple of months generally reduce the weights and increase the number of repetitions. This is by far the most popular and widely accepted way of building a well-sculpted and muscular body in a matter of a couple of months. In fact, this is the advice that you’ll get from most of the gym trainers. They’ll tell you that heavy weights will help in making the muscles bigger and lower weights will bring those cuts on your muscles that’ll make it look like a sculpted masterpiece.
Nevertheless, is this true? Is it really the best way to do it? Believe me its complete trash. It is not only misleading but also harmful for your body. No logical explanations can explain the theories. All those who have prescribed this kind of routine have done no more than wasting the time of all those people in need for a muscular body.
One thing must be very clear in your mind, as evolution has taken its own time, your body too will take some time to get in shape. The efforts you put into workout, has no magic pills or machines that can help you reduce instantaneously. It is next to impossible to merely, reduce fat from one portion of your body while keeping on the others. Doing more bench presses with smaller weights will never burn off those fats from your chest the way you imagine they would or cause them to look harder or well sculpted.
Every time that you lay your hands on the barbell or roll your fists around those dumbbells your only aim is to whip up as much muscle growth that is possible. Please bear in mind that there are no exercises in weightlifting that will get you those cuts that we all envy seeing on those beautifully sculpted bodies of musclemen.
So how do you bring those cuts most efficiently and effectively? The answer lies in lowering the body’s fat levels so that the muscles are visible. Try these two methods of removing fat from your bodies:
1. Change your diet a bit. Stick to more healthy and whole foods. Reduce your calorie intakes to near about 15 times your body weight. Eat less and more frequently all through the day. This helps in keeping your metabolic activities pepped up at all times of the day and will continuously keep on burning fat all day long. Avoid fried and other oily foods. Replace these with low protein and low glycemic carbs. Drink more water. Drink at least 15-20 glassfuls of water everyday. It helps in dissolving away toxins from your body.
2. Change the way you do your cardio-workouts. Instead of the age-old technique of long sessions with moderate weights, try shorter cardio-workouts with more weights. This will increase your body’s metabolism rates to enormous levels and will help in burning fats even when you are not working out. Also never, combine your cardio-workout sessions with weight workouts and should be done on separate days for best results.
I hope these techniques help your body look like a beautifully sculpted muscular masterpiece throughout the next summer.

Want To Learn More Ways To Build Muscle Fast?

If you want more specific help, want a good routine to follow, or heck, just want to learn all you need to know about building muscle, check out my free videos at my website on how to Build Muscle Fast.

Want to be building mass amounts of muscle in the next few weeks? Click on to my artical on how to Build Muscle Fast

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