What is the Best Canine Heartworm Medicine?
You have a dog and you love it very much. But you are also aware of the fact that there are many diseases that can affect it and you have to make sure you know how to protect it. This can be a hard job for any pet owner.
Have you heard of heartworm? Many people that have animals know about this problem. Do you know where they came from and which treatment is the best? If you care about your dog then you should get interested on these things and invest time and some money into keeping the dog healthy. You need to know how to choose the best medicine for your furry companion.
You should know that heartworms use mosquitoes as a messenger. The mosquito is getting on the dog and passing on the worms. The heartworms disease affects dogs, cats, cows and many more animals. Out of all the animals, the dogs tend to get this affection more frequently. You do not want your dog to get really sick because you missed the early symptoms like hair loss, weight loss, blurred vision and vomiting. The heartworm disease can transform a hyperactive dog into a very unresponsive one.
This disease is very serious because it causes rapid deterioration in the dog’s general health status. For many owners the news that the dog has parasites can be hard to handle. You should also know that when it comes to heartworms, vets talk about prevention and not cure. The prevention medicine will affect the larvae but they will not kill the mature parasites. They will only keep the ground clean.
Of course that prevention is not a cure but the heartworm disease is quite manageable. There are many type of medicines that work to destroy the larvae and they come in many sizes, shapes and colors. You can get pills, topical creams, injections or chewable pills. So, first prevent!
These are some of the preventive medicines that will help your dog to fight the infection with heartworm parasites. Iverhart Plus is a very common prescription drug and dogs like it because it tastes a bit like the pork liver. Vets say that this medicine must be given to the dog once every 30 days, meaning once a month. You must not miss the 30 days because the medicine wears off after that time. Do not give preventive heartworm medication without talking to the vet before. There are some dog breeds that need special medications or there are different side effects or contraindications.
Not all the pills have flavors. Another Heartgard medicine without flavor is Interceptor, a drug approved by FDA. Immiticide is a drug that attacks the mature worms and it has melarsomine, an arsenic-based element.
These are just a few of the drugs that you can give the dog to keep him away from heartworm disease. The drug can greatly improve your pet’s health. Also, before taking any treatment for the dog, make sure you go online and do some research on your own so that you know what you are dealing with.
In conclusion, do not let your dog suffer from heartworms because they can cause serious symptoms and even death. The dog can also go into a coma if the disease is not treated. So take the dog to the vet for a heartworm test and then give the dog the medicine which was prescribed by the vet. Take care of your furry companion and keep it away from places with mosquitoes and treat him if you notice symptoms. No matter what treatment you choose, the dog’s health will improve.
Want to know more about heartworms in dogs? On HeartWormsInDogs.Net you can find articles about heartworms in dogs, heartworms in dogs treatments and heartworms in dogs natural remedies.