How to gain muscle and get your dream body.
The dream of every man going to the gym is to have body that looks like a beautifully carved sculpture of muscles. Nevertheless, most of men do not know the mechanism that goes on in our body that causes the muscles in our body to fatten and strengthen.
One of the most common mistakes that people make in a gym is of weight overload. They think that the more weights that they lift; the stronger and well sculpted their body will become. Nevertheless, what such people do is, only waste of their precious time in a futile activity and end up causing harm to their body.
While the muscles will increase only with increasing the load, you must keep in mind that gradual weight amount lifting is important while training to sculpture your muscles. Our bodies grow only because they adapt to increased resistance forced on them. It is extremely important that you keep in mind that our bodies can adapt only to small changes at a time. Although continuing with the same weights will bring about the same results, only a progressive increase will bring about a progressive change.
Higher weight repetitions enable you to increase the load on the muscles. This in turn leads to the formation of new tissues in that muscle region which increases the muscle size over a period. These muscles will now be able to handle even more stress and thus will help in forming even more tissues.
The most effective repetition range is between four and six for almost every exercise. What most of the people believe is that these lesser weight reps will lead to injury. On the contrary, this will help in reducing every possible chance of injury because the muscles are, given ample time to adjust to the increase in resistance.
A lower volume of weight reps will not make your sides look flabby or else bulged. Instead, lower weight reps will help in forming those cuts that make your body look like a sculpted muscular masterpiece.
Nevertheless, what weights to chose? Well the first few days in the gym will only be a period of hit and trial. You will take a few days to understand how much the right weight for you to begin is. Well as an idea the weight with which you do more than six reps is too light. When you can easily do six sets with a particular weight, it is time to move on to the next higher weight. The increase is this progressive flow in weight lifting, which increases the muscles. Four to 6 reps of higher weights will always be more effective in muscle gaining than more number of reps of lower weights.
Another important thing to keep in mind is warm-ups. Warm-ups should be just enough to start proper blood flow into your tissues. It should be overdone such that you lose all the energy to do those heavy reps. The entire purpose is defeated if your muscles get tired even before being strained to the max.
However, when you have warmed-up the number of sets that you’ll be able to perform will be, only a one or two but they will be more than enough if done properly. After all, the quality of workout is what will bring the desired results and not the quantity.
The motive here is to stimulate the muscle into growth mode. This is done, by doing lesser number of reps with higher weights. It is better to use only as much weight as you can handle. Sometimes in a bid to lift more weight, we cause damage to the tissues.
Thus, overall now that you know, what heavy and lightweights can do for you; it will help you in deciding which one’s better for you.
Want To Learn More Ways To Build Muscle Fast?
If you want more specific help, want a good routine to follow, or heck, just want to learn all you need to know about building muscle, check out my free videos at my website on how to Build Muscle Fast.
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