Market Consistently with Business Cards

The cost of a business card: under a dollar.  The price tag to give it out: none.  Increase in sales and customer base: priceless.

That’s how cost effective business cards are to produce. But why is it that many businesses still underutilize the purpose of business cards? Why do people consider these cards as dispensable and unimportant? It’s true that modern marketing techniques such as social media and digital business cards are trendy and much easier to do, but it is important to remember that there are still people who prefer to receive contact information the old way. If you don’t address the need of such market, you are losing the opportunity to gather more customers and generate more sales.

It is, therefore, important that you still create business cards for your business. And you need to hand it out extensively. You cannot let it sit in your desk if you want to gather new customers effectively. Following are a few quick ideas that you can do to get your business cards at the hands of your customers easily:

Bring it with you anywhere. When you go to the grocery or go for a jog, take your business card with you and hand it out to anyone you converse with. You can also post it on a bulletin board where your target customers can see it. Consider also giving your to your waiter or waitress with a nice tip. The salon, cleaners and other places you visit frequently can also be a good place to hand out your cards. Be sure to tuck your cards neatly with a business card holder to keep them in pristine condition.

Send then with your notes. When sending notes or simple letters to your correspondents, consider sending your business card with them. This is a great way to keep them updated with your contact information.

Insert it in your next bill. Every time you pay your bill, consider inserting your business card with it. The person who receives it or someone who gets passed with your card can become a customer in the future.

Include them in your invoice. When sending out invoices, you can always consider putting your business card with them. This is quick and easy to do, and doesn’t require a lot of money.

Offer a referral incentive. It’s a great idea to offer a special incentive to your customers who bring you referrals. It can be in the form of a free gift, a gift certificate, or anything that can serve as a good incentive. Just ask your current customers to hand out one of your card to people they know will be interested in your product or service. Leave a blank space in your business card templates where the name of the referrer can be written.

There are actually a lot of innovative ways you can get your business cards out there. So, despite the popularity of modern marketing techniques these days, don’t give up the old-fashioned business card just yet. It can bring you lots of benefits when designed effectively, something that you would not realize if you depend solely on digital marketing. If you take time to create your own business cards, you can consistently market your business in the simplest and most effortless way.

More tips and information’s on how to make cheap but winning business cards can be found at online printing business cards.

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