5 Forceful Steps To Healing Anxiety.
What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is one of those words which was being thrown around quite a lot recently such as the word stress got used in the 1990s. What really is this puzzling thing called anxiety that affects nearly each person in our society now. From my wisdom when persons use that word anxiety what they refer to is a feeling which they don’t enjoy which to them means something negative about yours truly in some way. Now the process for this to take place was fairly simple, someone feels a feeling of energy in their body, head or wherever, their mind then labels the emotion in a harmful way ie “that feeling tells me I am lacking in some way” . The moment they consequently believe themselves that mental state which they have then achieved they appraise as anxiety, the linking of any feeling of energy in your body with a harmful thought equals anxiety.
Now once that pattern has begun someone finds it very natural to replicate the feeling again and again as they do that the feeling grows stronger as they compound that bad feeling, leading to possible frequent panic attacks or accepted evasion of any circumstances that they link to the particular feelings. That then has an absolute horrible affect on their lives and could be a pattern that persons become stuck in for years and years using tranquilizers to cope that might actually make the issue much worse.
Step 1.
Take responsibility for however you feel right now in this moment, this includes not blaming doctors and psychologists for not being adept to cure yourself. This moment is just the starting point for you moving forward in your life.
Step 2.
Become the watcher of your bad self-talk and ask your self if its genuine or not. If its harmful by definition it cannot be factual as you are perfect just as you are in this moment. use clean language and become attentive of the fact that the indicated thoughts are just an old cycle that you are tired of attending to and are not factual.
Step 3.
Become intensely aware of the present moment, move out of your head and into your body. You are not the thoughts, as you learn to watch the harmful thoughts without being drawn into the debate, you may begin to notice that there is a deep sense of contentment beneath them, which is ever accessible through your body.
Step 4.
Stop taking life so seriously, there is a time in your life while you were very young where you acted spontaneously without worrying about each dam likely thing that could ever take place. Take risks daily and stretch your comfort zones, this will guarantee you move into prominence in your life, in a way that’s correct for you. Its wonderfull to feel embarrassed once in a blue moon doing foolish things just for fun.
Step 5.
Exercise daily to assist to clear the mind as well as get you in contact with the body. We each appreciate concerning the endless benefits of exercise, so do it!
One of best free anxiety information hypnotherapy and Hypnotherapist sites I have found is Paul Wood Hypnosis.