In our current economic conditions it is critical for plants, factories, and manufacturing facilities to leverage the benefits of industrial automation and process controls . Factories that do not take advantage of systems integration will be left behind by manufacturing facilities that do implement these processes for increased efficiency and production. Research has been conducted that proves the value and benefit of installed mechanical and control automation systems which usually pay for themselves within the first year of production and in many cases in the first few months.
There are industrial automation and control companies that specialize in assessing factory processes to find areas where money is being lost, such as excessive water/sewer usage, energy consumption, excessive labor hours, material waste, poor quality control, etc. Here are some of the many industries that can benefit from industrial automation including food and beverage processing, water treatment, plastics, chemicals, petroleum, metal manufacturing, feed and grain industries and hundreds more. Following is a list of the many benefits of industrial automation and process controls.
Benefits of industrial automation:
– Increased profitability through increased production reduced operating costs and improved product quality.
– Improve plant safety with more flexible operations and early detection of abnormal events.
– Increase employee productivity through improved operator effectiveness and lower engineering requirements.
– Achieve the highest return on investment and continue to deliver sustainable results throughout the entire application lifecycle.
– Improve profitability by increasing production and decreasing costs with Centurion Controls modeling and multivariable advanced control and optimization products.
– Ongoing advanced control and optimization of plant operations ensures responsiveness to
inevitable changes in business demands through close linkages with planning, scheduling, and
management functions. Our unique solutions improve profitability by increasing throughput,
reducing costs, increasing yields, and improving product quality.
– Advanced Control and Optimization products address all aspects of advanced process
control and optimization-from improving regulatory loop control-to globally optimizing the entire process based on a unique layered approach. This model allows new technologies to be easily added at any time to a common platform that meets optimization objectives without compromising future opportunities to improve business performance.In our current economic conditions it is critical for plants, factories, and manufacturing facilities to leverage the benefits of industrial automation and process controls .