Business Cards to Make your Business Look and Feel Real
For any type of business, business cards are the entry level marketing material to use. Whether you run a small business or a large corporation, you would need a business card to introduce yourself to your target market. As your representation, your cards will serve as your face in front of your potential customers.
Just think of how you feel when someone handed you their card. They seem so professional and real right? Don’t you wish you can have your own card to hand out yourself? Even if you have just started your business, things don’t seem genuine until you can put your name in a business card and give it out to someone to tell him what you do and how to reach you.
Even if you run an online business, you still have a business card in the form of virtual business cards. Although you cannot physically hand out a virtual business card, modern applications allows you to exchange card through mobile phones and websites. Some people argue that a tangible business card is still the best way to go. There is simply appealing about the familiar shape and feel of paper cards. Even if the card is shaped like a tree or circle, or has an artistic cut-out, you can always take it with you and get remembered.
And that is really the point of business cards—to make it memorable to whoever you give it to and encourage them to do something about your card either to call you or look you up online. If you need to make your cards really amazing, follow the following suggestions:
1. Use testimonials. You can use the back of your card to print testimonials from satisfied customers. This is a strategy to convince your prospects to try out your product or service. A testimonial will tell them that if your product or service was good for others, then they can be good for them as well.
2. Consider putting a face to the name. A lot of businesses today are putting their picture on their cards. A picture in the card is not really advised unless it is a professional photograph. If you got a really good photo, it will surely reinforce the “remember me” factor. Just be sure that your picture is appropriate for your business, otherwise, it will only ruin your image.
3. Give an irresistible offer. An offer is an effective strategy to get your prospects to act fast. Be sure to give a time-limited offer so people will be encouraged to contact you before the offer expires.
4. Put your credentials. A logo that identifies you as a credible business is important in your business card templates. Be sure to design your logo effectively. Choose the color and the graphics carefully. When done well, your logo will act simply for you with strength and integrity.
5. Call to action. A clearly and powerfully presented point why you are different, or a strongly expressed benefit of what people will get from doing business with you are important to give your prospects a compelling reason to keep your business card and contact you.
Today, printing business cards is fairly cheap, so you have no reason to lag on your business card printing. Get your own business now.
This writing provides information and tips to the readers about how to promote your business with appealing business cards, try to check out this page for more eye catching and free business card templates.