Web Hosting Companys And How To Tell If They Are Rubbish

If you are choosing a web hosting firm you will want to be able to avoid those that are a bit dodgy. Dodgy web hosting companies are all over the place and can convince you to sign up with them unless you know what you are looking for. Few of us can afford to waste time and money on a web hosting firm that isn’t up to scratch. Luckily there are some things we can do to make this a lot less likely to happen.

– Do not place too much trust in the reviews that you read on the hosts website. A lot of website owners will actually put these reviews up on the site themselves. You may think that this is shameful but believe it or not this is commonly done. It is impossible to tell how legitimate a review is so the best thing to do is to treat them with a pinch of salt, especially if they appear too good to be true.

– Nearly all web hosting companies will use certain gimmicks but if you see that the company has gone overboard then you can take it that this particular company does not really have a good reputation. They really don’t have much to offer so they hide this fact with lots of bangs and whistles.

– If a web hosting company seems to be a bit disorganised when you contact them then take this as a very bad sign. If they do not put much effort into impressing potential customers then they are even less likely to be better once you have paid up.

– Unless the website of the actual web hosting company looks professional then you need to beware. They have no excuse for a bad website especially if providing web hosting is their business.

– If a web hosting firm offers you unlimited bandwidth and storage they are lying.

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