Cyber War

”Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…. whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends (Of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness), it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its power in such form, as to them shall be seen most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness….” Declaration of Independence of the American Colonies July 4th 1776.

One of the hot topics of recent times is wikileaks.

It has begun. It is the war that can change everything. Following the industrial revolution of the 20th century, the 21st century brought with it the necessary ingredients for the next step in human evolution; Information and the Internet. We live in the Age of the Media. The Media defines the way we see our selves in the mirror, the who, the why, the what and the how of our existence. It creates our values, it shapes our beliefs, it establishes the social rules and it dictates the pace of change.

We are constantly bombarded by Media messages. Our senses receive them and then send these messages to the brain. The brain is simply a server mechanism programmed to filter and interpret these messages and then decide how the body will respond to them in accordance to its programming. The same stimulents can illicit different response in different people based on each persons education.

We live in an informational Matrix. It is a living Matrix, where information is constantly moving from one person to the next, between groups of people, is being traded, can be the source of war between nations and shapes peoples destinies.

But what is Information?
Simply put, is a collection of symbols, arbitrarily established and agreed upon for the purpose of easing communication between individuals and to facilitate the formation and functionality of social structures (as well as the Control Matrix).

Through controlling the flow of information, its quantity and quality, Big Brother maintains control over the population at large.

The social divisions in our society are possible through restricting this flow of information.

The pyramidal structuring of information allows an elite few to justify ownership of the planet and ensures the obedience of the masses.

During the 20th century this control was easier to achieve at the level of nation states. The Elite restricted, manipulated and controlled the information through the State and Corporate media.

The television, radio stations and the printed press systematically covered the events following the bias of whichever government or corporation owned them. Nobody was innocent. The Media in every single country on the planet censored, distorted, fabricated or imposed a total black out of the events when told to do so by its controllers.

Every Media channel, state run or corporation owned fed you, its recipient, a diet of false reality.

Part of your tax money was used to dis-inform you. You are treated with total discontent, a sheep to be led, lied to by your government.

The Elite used distractions cloaked as entertainment or fear when you were not compliant enough, fear of disease and poverty, the threat of wars, fear on tap delivered by the Media.

The Media is guilty of bombarding you with ads for crappy products you don’t need, with fake values, fake role models and fake choices. The Media can conditioned you to be a spectator and live your life vicariously through your ‘heroes’, non- entities pimped as celebrities, while the real players on the world stage looked contemptuously down on you from their presidential palaces and private jets.

The Media ”helped” you rationalize the restrictive laws imposed on you- when was the last time a government passed a law which empowers you, the individual- gradually taking away your rights, your wealth and most important your excitement and ability to be happy.

Carefully selective ‘News’, isolated crimes and sensationalist rubbish, thrown at you by the same con men disguised as journalists, clogged your brain and made you oblivious why new laws must be passed- to chip away your freedom.

Because of their total control of the Media channels, the Elite can claim success in dumbing you down.

You were and still are spoon fed an illusion masquerading as reality.

You were lulled into a full sense of comfort and security, safe in the knowledge that Big Brother is watching over you- and boy, isn’t he watching- your reality was an empty hologram, perfectly projected by the Corporations lackeys, the ”Media People.”

It is true that dogs can show loyalty, but have no true integrity.

Enter the Media of the 20th Century.

Thank them warmly, ladies and gentleman!

They brought you CNN, Jerry Springer, Oprah Winfrey and Big Brother Show.

They forced consumerism upon you. They made you trade your time and emotions on false reality.

They brought you entertainment, just like in Roman times- pane et circus.

You might want to ask yourself what was the purpose of this colossal effort. Why did this giant Media machine overload your senses and Intellect with all this crap. The answer is painfully obvious; as it happened to people in roman times, you were and still are gradually persuaded into slavery by the Banking Elite. And this process is gathering pace.

Not content with ownership of entire Nation states, driven by their insatiable greed and their obsession for total control, the Banksters upped the stakes. Their next goal became no less than total global domination.

Welcome to the New World Order.

The world owned by a hand full of Bankers and Corporations and the rest of the population enslaved and doing their bidding. A world military dictatorship monitored via satellites. A world ruled by fear where you have no rights.

Enter the 21st Century.

The Elite realised that in order to achieve their purpose of global ownership and enslavement of the masses they need radical technological advancements.

They needed a global network of communications. Out of this necessity, the Internet was born. At the beginning the Internet was a communication tool for the Military.

It was introduced to the civilian market with the idea of aiding the economic and financial take over of Nation states by the big banks and corporations, and to accelerate their expansion world wide.

Through the use of the Internet, the Banking Elite could:
Execute hostile take overs on a truly global scale
Engineer financial crisis and bankrupt Nation states (they keep promoting the notion that sovereign nations are a thing of the past) through stock market manipulation
Control your financial independence via digitizing the money
Gather information from all aspects of your life, accessible by all sorts of government agencies- same goes for your bank account
Enhanced satellite monitoring and increase the efficiency of the military and thus, the capacity to wage war against anybody who opposed them
And of course saturate you with crap disguised as entertainment

To sum it up, the Internet was started with the purpose to speed up your total ownership by the Banking Elite.

But evolution has its own perverse sense of irony. The Internet, this technological marvel intended for total control, also has a flip side.

The self appointed ‘Elite’ suddenly woke up with a nightmare that won’t go away. The name of this nightmare is Wikileaks. It was brought to them, like room service, by a floppy haired Australian, Julian Assange.

At first, they ignored it. Then, they got confused. Confusion turned to anger. Anger lead to fury. It is the fury of their own impotence.

These Bilderberg’s, CFR’s, Banksters and other Corporate Shysters, these dried up geriatrics, relics of a past Century finally realised their importance in more ways than one.

The very tool they infiltrated in every aspect of peoples existence for the purpose of total control, is being turned against them. It threatens to blow away the smoke screens so carefully created by their loyal servants, the Corporate Media.

A creeping horror is engulfing these fossils from another Century. The documents released by Wikileaks has made a mockery of their carefully laid out plans and sent out a terrible message: the Elite has no longer monopoly on Information.

The monster they created is out of control, it has a life of its own and wants to devour them.

Their lies are gradually being exposed like a slow drip poison which kills them, once document at a time.

Their pitiful attempts to fight the truth only expose their rotten intentions and institutions even more.

Wikileaks is a catalyst, a symbol of hope, a Pandora’s Box of possibilities. It is a bitter medicine that awakens more and more people from the sedition state created by the Corporation’s Media.

More and more people shake off their fear, their eyes open and they see more of the conspirators scam and read their true intentions.

Amazon, Paypal, Master Card, Visa Europe, Post finance Switzerland and Every DNS woke us up to a truth we suspected but thought too ugly to contemplate. All the above corporations are nothing more than extensions of US foreign policy.

Ironically, Master Card allows donations for the subsidiaries of the KKK. There are others like them that are part of the same hideous and secret global conspiracy.

Their bitter rethoric and pathetic witch hunt against Julian Assange shows their panic. Relentlessly, Wikileaks continues to publish real documents. And the truth about the Elite has an ugly face.

Never mind that diplomatic secrets should stay secret. When all Diplomatic exchanges are based on deception, hypocrisy and lies, something is wrong with the world.

Never mind that Military secrets should stay secret. When the wars are waged with your tax money and in your name for someone else’s profits, you have the right to know the truth.

Never mind that Banking and Corporate secrets should stay secret. When they get bailed out with your money, when the planet is polluted for a few people’s greed, when they engineer crisis, preach austerity and take astronomic bonuses, you have the right to know.

When under the excuse of National Security your rights and freedoms are being taken away, when you are being made poor so the few can easier control you, you have the right to know.

When Corporations and Governments blatantly disregard existing laws, when profits are being made through selling arms and people starved for political reason, when the greed and the sick obsession with control by a few old men goes beyond the pale, you have the right to know.

Wikileaks shows that thanks to the Internet, resistance is possible and necessary.

Nobody expects the old guard to graciously except defeat, lay down and just die- now there’s a thought.

They will try and pass new laws regarding criminality on the Internet, coerce the ISP’s, monitor and sanitize the information Chinese style, in a nut shell regulate the Internet to death.

Their attempts to intimidate the voices of dissent are doomed to failure. They will try to restrict the Net? People will use software to anonymise their digital foot prints. Too late for the wrinklies.
People have got the gist. The resistance is done in true Guerrilla fashion.

People use the social networks, anonymous chat rooms, and other geeky tricks to congregate, exchange ideas and organize concerted actions against the oppressive Corporate establishment.

The Internet is too big a place to police. And in this new type of war the rules of engagement have changed. The hackers and the anarchists are always one step ahead of Big Brother. There are too many of them. And every day thousands more people join their ranks and find the courage to resist.

The truth will be disseminated on the Internet whether the Powers- that- be like it or not. As Anonymous recently showed, the Corporation’s Institutions are not immune to people’s anger.

They can be disrupted and the resistance movement is gathering momentum. People found a new sense of purpose. It can not be stopped. It will continue shaking the existent power structure, until the shock wave will make it collapse.

Society needs a radical re-organization.

I am not here to make the case for Julian Assange. But it did not escape me that the Corporate Media is more focused on character assassination then what the man has to say. I respect his intellect, his spirit and his willingness to stick to his principles, in spite of the obvious dangers. He may be flawed as a man but he makes a great rebel. He gave the on-line resistance a focal point, a common purpose. He planted the seed of hope for a better future. The Corporations rants about Assange only makes people more determined to resist, to fight against the insane idea of new world order.

Julian Assange and Wikileaks, Anonymous with their attacks on established institutions, the fast growing support for the Cyber rebellion, the scale of this conflict can no longer be ignored.

This is Cyber-War. The freedom of speech must be defended and fought for, no matter the cost.
Its time to make a stand. The Internet is the new battle ground. We must fight this war. United we will win it, and with victory comes a new beginning.

If you are fed up to be sold a reality of scarcity on a daily basis, stand up and fight!

If you have had enough of impositions and limitations, of what you can or can not do, stand up and fight!

If you are fed up not having any power over your own destiny, stand up and fight!

If you are fed up being afraid of and bullied by Big Brother, take action. Join the Cyber-war against the tyrany. You can make a difference.

Do it now and soon enough The Big Lie will collapse in ruins.

There is a wind of freedom and is coming via your ISP at a computer near you. Feel it and rejoice!

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